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Java Development Environment Setup
To develop Java application on the computer, Java Development Kit (JDK) needs to be installed. JDK provides tools necessary to develop Java program (Such as Compiler, Debugger etc.) and Java Run Time Environment (JRE) to run the java program.

Check if JDK is already Installed
To check if you already have JDK installed on your computer, run "java -version" command from command prompt:
C:\Users\Your Name>java -version
If JDK is already installed, you will see the installed version
openjdk version "1.8.0_275"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_275-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.275-b01, mixed mode)
If java is not installed you would see a message like below. If you only have JRE installed, you will see JRE details in the response. In which case, proceed to install JDK.
'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Install Java Development Kit (JDK)
Java development kit (JDK) needs to be installed to code and run Java programs. JDK can be downloaded from Oracle website
Open JDK is available to download from
Follow the instructions and install the JDK.
Setting up the Environment variables
Below are the steps to set up the Java environment variables. These are used to pass configuration information to applications. For example when we run the command to compile or run java program from command line, system would be able to binary files location to perform the operation.
- Go to "System Properties" and click on the "Environment variables" button under the "Advanced" tab
- Under User variables, click New. Enter JAVA_HOME as the variable name. Enter the path to the JDK as the variable value. Click OK

- Select the "Path" variable in System variables and click on the "Edit" button
- Click on the "New" button and add the path where Java is installed, followed by bin. Then, click "OK", and save the settings
Watch the video guide:
Install Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a code editor, a compiler and a debugger and other features that the developer accesses through a user interface so it makes the development much simpler. Below are some of the popular IDEs and their websites to download. You can select any one of these IDEs for the Java development:
- IntelliJ IDEA can be downloaded from
- Eclipse can be downloaded from
- Netbeans can be downloaded from
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