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Gradle Commands and Options

Here are some common Gradle commands and options.

Running the task

gradle taskname

//Running multiple tasks - Individual tasks are to be separated by space

gradle task1 task2 task3

Excluding the dependent task

gradle dist --exclude-task test

gradle dist -x test

// x is short cut for --exclude-task

Forcing to execute all the tasks

By default gradle will skip the tasks if there are no changes. This option is to force execution of all the tasks

gradle dist --rerun-tasks

Continue to execute

This is to continue the execution even if previous task fails to see all the tasks that would fail

gradle dist --continue


This task is to assembling all outputs and running the checks

gradle build


This task is to assemble the application and execute the script to run.

gradle run


This task is for the common verifications.

gradle check


This is to delete the precomputed outputs. 

gradle clean

Project list

Command to get the project list:

gradle projects

Tasks list

Command to get the tasks list:

gradle tasks

Project dependencies

Command to get list of project dependencies:

gradle dependencies

Logging options

Control the information displayed in the log.
  • -q, --quiet: Log errors only.
  • -w, --warn :Set log level to warn.
  • -i, --info :Set log level to info.
  • -d, --debug :Log in debug mode.

gradle task1 -q

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