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Gradle tasks and dependencies

Gradle tasks are operations that can be performed on a Gradle project, such as compiling code, running tests, or generating a report. Here are some examples of Gradle tasks:

  1. Compile the code: The gradle build task compiles the source code and generates the compiled code in the build directory.

  2. Run tests: The gradle test task runs the tests for the project and generates a report of the test results.

  3. Clean the project: The gradle clean task deletes the build directory and any generated files, effectively resetting the project to its initial state.

  4. Generate a report: The gradle jacocoTestReport task generates a code coverage report using the Jacoco plugin, which provides information on the portions of the code that have been tested and the portions that still need testing.

Gradle dependencies are external libraries or packages that are required by a Gradle project. By declaring dependencies in the build.gradle file, Gradle can download and include them automatically in your project. Here is an example of how to declare a dependency in Gradle:

Copy code
dependencies { implementation '' testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13' }

In this example, the project depends on the Guava library (version 28.1-jre) and the JUnit library (version 4.13) for testing. The implementation keyword is used to specify that the Guava library is required for the project to run, while the testImplementation keyword is used to specify that the JUnit library is only required for testing.

By using tasks and dependencies in Gradle, you can streamline the process of building and managing your projects, and make it easier to collaborate with others on your team.

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