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Gradle build scripts

Gradle build scripts are used to define and configure the build process for a project. They are written in a Groovy-based domain-specific language and contain a series of instructions that specify how the project should be built, including tasks that need to be executed, dependencies that need to be managed, and other build-related information.

Here's an example of a simple Gradle build script for a Java project:

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apply plugin: 'java' repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12' } task helloWorld(type: JavaExec) { main = 'com.example.HelloWorld' }

In this example, the build script starts by applying the java plugin, which provides a set of tasks for building Java projects. The repositories block is used to specify where the dependencies for the project should be downloaded from. In this case, we are using the Maven Central repository.

The dependencies block is used to declare the dependencies that the project has. In this case, we are using JUnit 4.12 as a test framework.

Finally, the helloWorld task is defined, which is a type of JavaExec task. This task is used to execute a Java main class, and in this case, the main class is specified as com.example.HelloWorld.

Another example, this time for a Gradle build script that builds a C++ project:

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apply plugin: 'cpp' model { components { hello(NativeLibrarySpec) { sources { cpp { source { srcDirs "src" include "**/*.cpp" } } } } } } task runHello(type: Exec) { commandLine './build/hello/debug/bin/hello' }

In this example, the cpp plugin is applied, which provides tasks for building C++ projects. The model block is used to define the components of the project, in this case a single component called hello. The sources block is used to specify the source files for the component, and the cpp block is used to specify the C++ sources.

Finally, the runHello task is defined, which is a type of Exec task. This task is used to run the compiled binary, in this case the hello binary located in the build/hello/debug/bin directory.

These are just a few examples of what a Gradle build script can look like, but the possibilities are virtually endless. The Gradle build script syntax is flexible and intuitive, making it easy to create custom build processes tailored to the specific needs of a project.

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