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Managing external dependencies with Gradle

Managing external dependencies with Gradle is a crucial aspect of developing a project, as it allows you to include and manage the libraries, packages, and other components that your project relies on. Gradle makes it easy to manage dependencies by allowing you to declare them in the build.gradle file, which is used to configure the build process for your project.

Here are some examples of how to manage external dependencies with Gradle:

  1. Declaring dependencies: To declare a dependency in Gradle, you need to specify the name and version of the library or package you want to include in your project. For example:
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dependencies { implementation '' testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13' }

In this example, the project depends on the Guava library (version 28.1-jre) and the JUnit library (version 4.13) for testing. The implementation keyword is used to specify that the Guava library is required for the project to run, while the testImplementation keyword is used to specify that the JUnit library is only required for testing.

  1. Repositories: Gradle can retrieve dependencies from different types of repositories, such as Maven Central, JCenter, or custom repositories. To declare a repository in Gradle, you can use the following code:
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repositories { mavenCentral() jcenter() }

In this example, Gradle will search for dependencies in both Maven Central and JCenter repositories.

  1. Managing transitive dependencies: Transitive dependencies are dependencies that are required by other dependencies in your project. Gradle automatically manages transitive dependencies for you, which means that it will download and include any additional dependencies that are required by the libraries you declare in your project.

  2. Using configurations: Gradle provides several configurations that can be used to manage dependencies in your project. For example, you can use the compileOnly configuration to declare dependencies that are only required for compiling the code, but not for executing it:

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dependencies { compileOnly 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.3.72' implementation '' testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13' }

In this example, the Kotlin Standard Library (version 1.3.72) is only required for compiling the code, but not for executing it.

By using these techniques, you can easily manage and control the dependencies in your Gradle project, making it easier to develop and maintain your code.

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