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AWS Interview Questions

  • What is AWS?
    Answer: AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services to customers, including computing power, storage, databases, analytics, networking, and more.

  • What are the benefits of using AWS?
    Answer: The benefits of using AWS include cost-effectiveness, scalability, security, flexibility, reliability, and ease of use.

  • What is the difference between Amazon S3 and EBS?
    Answer: Amazon S3 is an object storage service that is designed to store and retrieve large amounts of data. EBS (Elastic Block Store) is a block storage service that is designed to provide persistent storage for Amazon EC2 instances.

  • What is the difference between Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS?
    Answer: Amazon EC2 is a scalable compute service that provides virtual machines on which you can run your applications. Amazon RDS is a managed database service that provides a relational database in the cloud.

  • What is Auto Scaling in AWS?
    Answer: Auto Scaling is a feature in AWS that automatically adjusts the number of EC2 instances in a group based on demand. It helps to ensure that your application has the right amount of compute capacity to handle traffic.

  • What is a VPC in AWS?
    Answer: A VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) is a logically isolated section of the AWS cloud where you can launch resources in a virtual network that you define.

  • How do you secure your EC2 instances?
    Answer: You can secure your EC2 instances by using security groups, which act as a virtual firewall that controls the traffic to and from your instance.

  • What is an IAM role in AWS?
    Answer: An IAM (Identity and Access Management) role is an AWS feature that provides a way to delegate access to AWS resources to entities that do not have long-term access keys.

  • What is the difference between IAM user and IAM role?
    Answer: An IAM user is an entity that you create in AWS to represent a person or an application that needs access to AWS resources. An IAM role is a way to delegate access to AWS resources to entities that do not have long-term access keys.

  • What is CloudFormation in AWS?
    Answer: AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your AWS resources so that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications that run in AWS.

  • What is Elastic Load Balancing in AWS?
    Answer: Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) is a service in AWS that automatically distributes incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances to improve performance, increase availability, and help scale your applications.

  • What is the difference between a public subnet and a private subnet in AWS?
    Answer: A public subnet is a subnet that is associated with a route table that has a route to an Internet Gateway. A private subnet is a subnet that is not associated with a route table that has a route to an Internet Gateway.

  • What is AWS Lambda?
    Answer: AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code.

  • What is AWS CLI?
    Answer: AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool that enables you to interact with AWS services using commands in your terminal or command prompt.

  • What is Amazon Route 53?
    Answer: Amazon Route 53 is a scalable and highly available Domain Name System (DNS) web service that converts domain names into IP addresses.
  • What is Amazon SNS?
    Answer: Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) is a highly available, durable, and scalable publish-subscribe messaging service that enables you to send messages to multiple subscribers.

  • What is Amazon SES?
    Answer: Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) is a cost-effective email service that enables you to send and receive email using your own email addresses and domains.

  • What is the difference between Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon RDS?
    Answer: Amazon DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. Amazon RDS is a managed database service that provides a relational database in the cloud.

  • What is AWS CloudTrail?
    Answer: AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables you to monitor and audit AWS API calls made in your account. It records details such as the identity of the API caller, the time of the API call, and the parameters that were passed.

  • What is AWS KMS?
    Answer: AWS KMS (Key Management Service) is a managed service that enables you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data.

  • What is an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)?
    Answer: An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a pre-configured virtual machine image that you can use to launch an instance in AWS.

  • What is a bastion host?
    Answer: A bastion host is a special-purpose computer on a network that is used to securely manage access to other computers on the network.

  • What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk?
    Answer: AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a fully managed service that makes it easy to deploy and run web applications in a variety of programming languages and frameworks.

  • What is Amazon CloudFront?
    Answer: Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service that delivers your static and dynamic web content, videos, and other streaming content through a global network of edge locations.

  • What is an EC2 instance?
    Answer: An EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instance is a virtual server in AWS that you can use to run your applications.

  • What is Amazon EMR?
    Answer: Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) is a managed Hadoop framework that enables you to process large amounts of data in the cloud.

  • What is AWS Lambda@Edge?
    Answer: AWS Lambda@Edge is a feature that allows you to run Lambda functions in response to CloudFront events.

  • What is AWS Storage Gateway?
    Answer: AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid storage service that enables you to seamlessly integrate your on-premises storage with AWS storage.

  • What is AWS Direct Connect?
    Answer: AWS Direct Connect is a network service that provides a dedicated network connection between your on-premises infrastructure and AWS.

  • What is AWS Organizations?
    Answer: AWS Organizations is a service that enables you to consolidate multiple AWS accounts into an organization and centrally manage billing, compliance, and security.

  • What is Amazon MQ?
    Answer: Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that enables you to migrate your message-based applications to a fully managed message broker in the cloud.

  • What is Amazon Aurora?
    Answer: Amazon Aurora is a MySQL-compatible relational database engine that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source databases.

  • What is AWS X-Ray?
    Answer: AWS X-Ray is a service that enables you to analyze and debug your distributed applications in production.

  • What is AWS Cloud9?
    Answer: AWS Cloud9 is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that enables you to write, run, and debug your code in a browser.
  • What is AWS Glue?
    Answer: AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that enables you to easily move data between your data stores.

  • What is an Amazon VPC Endpoint?
    Answer: An Amazon VPC Endpoint is a private connection between your VPC and another AWS service, without the need for an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection.

  • What is AWS Fargate?
    Answer: AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers that enables you to run containers without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.

  • What is Amazon Neptune?
    Answer: Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable, and fully managed graph database service that enables you to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets.

  • What is AWS Batch?
    Answer: AWS Batch is a fully managed batch processing service that enables you to run batch computing workloads on the AWS Cloud.

  • What is AWS CodeBuild?
    Answer: AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that enables you to build and test your code using a variety of popular build tools and programming languages.

  • What is Amazon Elastic File System?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic File System is a fully managed file storage service that enables you to easily store and access your data from multiple instances.

  • What is AWS CloudHSM?
    Answer: AWS CloudHSM is a hardware security module (HSM) that enables you to generate and use your own encryption keys for sensitive data in a secure and compliant manner.

  • What is AWS Certificate Manager?
    Answer: AWS Certificate Manager is a service that enables you to easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private SSL/TLS certificates for use with AWS services and your own applications.

  • What is AWS AppSync?
    Answer: AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that enables you to develop and deploy GraphQL APIs for your applications.

  • What is Amazon Redshift?
    Answer: Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that enables you to analyze your data using SQL and business intelligence tools.

  • What is AWS CodeDeploy?
    Answer: AWS CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service that enables you to automate your application deployments to multiple instances.

  • What is AWS Serverless Application Model?
    Answer: AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications on AWS.

  • What is AWS Elemental MediaConvert?
    Answer: AWS Elemental MediaConvert is a fully managed service that enables you to easily transcode your video files into multiple formats and bitrates.

  • What is Amazon GuardDuty?
    Answer: Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS accounts and workloads for malicious activity.

  • What is AWS WAF?
    Answer: AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) is a security service that enables you to protect your web applications from common web exploits.

  • What is AWS Config?
    Answer: AWS Config is a service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources for compliance and security.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a fully managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy to run, scale, and manage containerized applications on AWS.

  • What is AWS CloudFormation StackSets?
    Answer: AWS CloudFormation StackSets is a service that enables you to deploy CloudFormation stacks across multiple AWS accounts and regions.

  • What is AWS IoT?
    Answer: AWS IoT (Internet of Things) is a fully managed cloud platform that enables you to connect your devices to AWS services and other devices.
  • What is Amazon SNS?
    Answer: Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) is a fully managed messaging service that enables you to send and receive messages between distributed systems.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Beanstalk?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is a fully managed service that enables you to deploy and manage your web applications and services without the need to provision or manage infrastructure.

  • What is AWS Direct Connect?
    Answer: AWS Direct Connect is a service that enables you to establish a dedicated network connection between your on-premises infrastructure and AWS.

  • What is Amazon Aurora?
    Answer: Amazon Aurora is a fully managed relational database service that is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, and provides high performance, scalability, and availability.

  • What is AWS Lambda?
    Answer: AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that enables you to run code in response to events or on a schedule, without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.

  • What is Amazon Kinesis?
    Answer: Amazon Kinesis is a fully managed streaming data platform that enables you to collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data with ease.

  • What is AWS Step Functions?
    Answer: AWS Step Functions is a fully managed service that enables you to coordinate multiple AWS services into serverless workflows, and visualize and monitor them using a graphical console.

  • What is Amazon Route 53?
    Answer: Amazon Route 53 is a fully managed DNS service that enables you to route traffic to your resources in AWS and outside of AWS.

  • What is AWS CloudTrail?
    Answer: AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables you to log, monitor, and retain events related to API calls and other activity in your AWS account.

  • What is Amazon Elastic MapReduce?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) is a fully managed service that enables you to process large amounts of data using Hadoop, Spark, or other big data frameworks.

  • What is AWS Systems Manager?
    Answer: AWS Systems Manager is a fully managed service that enables you to automate operational tasks across your AWS resources and on-premises infrastructure.

  • What is AWS Storage Gateway?
    Answer: AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid storage service that enables you to connect your on-premises applications to AWS storage services.

  • What is AWS IoT Core?
    Answer: AWS IoT Core is a managed cloud platform that enables you to securely connect your devices to the AWS Cloud and exchange data with other devices.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Load Balancer?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Load Balancer is a service that enables you to distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances or targets in AWS.

  • What is AWS Organizations?
    Answer: AWS Organizations is a service that enables you to centrally manage multiple AWS accounts, and automate account creation and management.

  • What is Amazon API Gateway?
    Answer: Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that enables you to create, publish, and manage APIs at any scale.

  • What is AWS Step Functions Express?
    Answer: AWS Step Functions Express is a lightweight version of AWS Step Functions that enables you to build and run high-performance workflows at a lower cost.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Inference?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Inference is a service that enables you to attach GPU-powered inference acceleration to any Amazon EC2 instance or Amazon SageMaker notebook instance.

  • What is AWS Managed Services?
    Answer: AWS Managed Services is a service that enables you to offload the management of your infrastructure to AWS, and focus on your business applications and services.
  • What is Amazon DynamoDB?
    Answer: Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability.

  • What is AWS CloudFormation?
    Answer: AWS CloudFormation is a service that enables you to create and manage AWS resources in a safe, repeatable way by defining them as templates.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that enables you to run and scale containerized applications on AWS.

  • What is Amazon Redshift?
    Answer: Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that enables you to analyze your data using standard SQL and your existing BI tools.

  • What is AWS CodeDeploy?
    Answer: AWS CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service that enables you to automate your software deployments to any instance or target in AWS.

  • What is AWS Glue?
    Answer: AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that enables you to prepare and transform data for analytics, machine learning, and other applications.

  • What is Amazon CloudWatch?
    Answer: Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service that enables you to collect and analyze metrics, logs, and traces from your AWS resources and applications.

  • What is AWS Certificate Manager?
    Answer: AWS Certificate Manager is a service that enables you to provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates for your AWS resources.

  • What is AWS WAF?
    Answer: AWS WAF is a web application firewall service that enables you to protect your web applications from common web exploits and attacks.

  • What is Amazon MQ?
    Answer: Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service that enables you to easily migrate your existing messaging applications to AWS.

  • What is AWS Elemental MediaConvert?
    Answer: AWS Elemental MediaConvert is a file-based video transcoding service that enables you to easily convert your video files to any format.

  • What is AWS Elemental MediaLive?
    Answer: AWS Elemental MediaLive is a fully managed live video processing service that enables you to create high-quality, reliable live video streams.

  • What is AWS Elemental MediaPackage?
    Answer: AWS Elemental MediaPackage is a fully managed video origination and packaging service that enables you to deliver video streams to any device at scale.

  • What is AWS Elemental MediaStore?
    Answer: AWS Elemental MediaStore is a fully managed object storage service that enables you to store and retrieve video assets with low latency and high durability.

  • What is AWS Greengrass?
    Answer: AWS Greengrass is a service that enables you to run AWS Lambda functions and other applications on edge devices such as IoT gateways.

  • What is Amazon Elasticsearch Service?
    Answer: Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a fully managed search and analytics service that enables you to search, analyze, and visualize your data in real time.

  • What is AWS Backup?
    Answer: AWS Backup is a fully managed backup service that enables you to centralize and automate the backup of your AWS resources and on-premises applications.

  • What is AWS Security Hub?
    Answer: AWS Security Hub is a security and compliance service that enables you to centrally view and manage your security and compliance posture across your AWS resources.

  • What is Amazon Managed Blockchain?
    Answer: Amazon Managed Blockchain is a fully managed service that enables you to create and manage scalable blockchain networks with ease.

  • What is Amazon EventBridge?
    Answer: Amazon EventBridge is a fully managed event bus service that enables you to easily integrate your applications and services using events.
  • What is Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) is a block-level storage service that provides persistent storage for use with Amazon EC2 instances.

  • What is AWS Lambda?
    Answer: AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that enables you to run code without provisioning or managing servers.

  • What is Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)?
    Answer: Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

  • What is Amazon Kinesis?
    Answer: Amazon Kinesis is a fully managed streaming data service that enables you to ingest, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data with ease.

  • What is Amazon API Gateway?
    Answer: Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that enables you to create, deploy, and manage APIs at any scale.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a fully managed Kubernetes service that enables you to run and manage containerized applications on AWS.

  • What is AWS Step Functions?
    Answer: AWS Step Functions is a serverless workflow service that enables you to build, run, and orchestrate multi-step workflows using AWS services and your own applications.

  • What is AWS Elemental MediaStore?
    Answer: AWS Elemental MediaStore is a fully managed object storage service that enables you to store and retrieve video assets with low latency and high durability.

  • What is Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a fully managed file storage service that enables you to store and access your files from any Amazon EC2 instance.

  • What is AWS CloudTrail?
    Answer: AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables you to log, continuously monitor, and retain events related to API calls across your AWS infrastructure.

  • What is AWS Snowball?
    Answer: AWS Snowball is a service that enables you to easily transfer large amounts of data between your on-premises data centers and AWS.

  • What is Amazon Transcribe?
    Answer: Amazon Transcribe is a service that enables you to convert speech to text with high accuracy in multiple languages.

  • What is Amazon Translate?
    Answer: Amazon Translate is a service that enables you to easily translate text from one language to another.

  • What is AWS DataSync?
    Answer: AWS DataSync is a service that enables you to easily and securely move large amounts of data between on-premises storage systems and AWS.

  • What is AWS IoT Core?
    Answer: AWS IoT Core is a fully managed service that enables you to connect and manage IoT devices at scale.

  • What is AWS Organizations?
    Answer: AWS Organizations is a service that enables you to manage multiple AWS accounts and resources from a single, centralized place.

  • What is AWS Direct Connect?
    Answer: AWS Direct Connect is a service that enables you to establish a dedicated network connection between your on-premises data center and AWS.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Inference?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Inference is a service that enables you to attach GPU-powered inference acceleration to any Amazon EC2 instance.

  • What is AWS Transit Gateway?
    Answer: AWS Transit Gateway is a service that enables you to easily connect multiple Amazon VPCs and remote networks.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a fully managed container registry service that enables you to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images.
  • What is Amazon CloudFront?
    Answer: Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service that enables you to deliver content from AWS to end users with low latency and high transfer speeds.

  • What is AWS Glue?
    Answer: AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that enables you to prepare and load data for analytics and machine learning.

  • What is AWS Certificate Manager?
    Answer: AWS Certificate Manager is a service that enables you to provision, manage, and deploy public and private SSL/TLS certificates for use with AWS services.

  • What is AWS CloudFormation?
    Answer: AWS CloudFormation is a service that enables you to create and manage AWS resources using templates.

  • What is Amazon Neptune?
    Answer: Amazon Neptune is a fully managed graph database service that enables you to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets.

  • What is Amazon Redshift?
    Answer: Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that enables you to analyze large amounts of data using SQL and BI tools.

  • What is Amazon SageMaker?
    Answer: Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that enables you to build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale.

  • What is AWS AppSync?
    Answer: AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that enables you to build GraphQL APIs for your applications.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that enables you to run and manage Docker containers.

  • What is AWS CodeDeploy?
    Answer: AWS CodeDeploy is a service that enables you to automate code deployments to Amazon EC2 instances and on-premises servers.

  • What is AWS CodePipeline?
    Answer: AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service that enables you to build, test, and deploy code changes.

  • What is Amazon DocumentDB?
    Answer: Amazon DocumentDB is a fully managed, MongoDB-compatible document database service that enables you to store, retrieve, and manage JSON data at scale.

  • What is AWS WAF?
    Answer: AWS WAF is a web application firewall that enables you to protect your web applications from common web exploits and attacks.

  • What is AWS Secrets Manager?
    Answer: AWS Secrets Manager is a service that enables you to securely store and manage secrets such as passwords, database credentials, and API keys.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud.

  • What is AWS Security Hub?
    Answer: AWS Security Hub is a service that enables you to centrally view and manage security alerts and compliance status across your AWS accounts.

  • What is AWS Config?
    Answer: AWS Config is a service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configuration of your AWS resources.

  • What is AWS Artifact?
    Answer: AWS Artifact is a service that enables you to access and download AWS compliance reports and other assurance documents.

  • What is AWS Cost Explorer?
    Answer: AWS Cost Explorer is a service that enables you to visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage.

  • What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk?
    Answer: AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a service that enables you to deploy and manage web applications in the cloud without worrying about the infrastructure.
  • What is AWS Lambda?
    Answer: AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that enables you to run code without provisioning or managing servers.

  • What is Amazon Kinesis?
    Answer: Amazon Kinesis is a service that enables you to process and analyze streaming data in real time.

  • What is Amazon CloudWatch?
    Answer: Amazon CloudWatch is a service that enables you to monitor and manage your AWS resources and applications.

  • What is Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a fully managed, scalable file storage service that enables you to store and access files from your EC2 instances.

  • What is AWS Direct Connect?
    Answer: AWS Direct Connect is a service that enables you to establish a dedicated network connection between your data center and AWS.

  • What is Amazon SNS?
    Answer: Amazon SNS is a fully managed messaging service that enables you to send and receive messages between applications or services.

  • What is AWS Transit Gateway?
    Answer: AWS Transit Gateway is a service that enables you to connect multiple VPCs and on-premises networks using a single gateway.

  • What is AWS Database Migration Service?
    Answer: AWS Database Migration Service is a fully managed service that enables you to migrate your databases to AWS with minimal downtime.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a fully managed Kubernetes service that enables you to run and manage containerized applications.

  • What is AWS Cloud9?
    Answer: AWS Cloud9 is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that enables you to write, run, and debug code in the cloud.

  • What is AWS Batch?
    Answer: AWS Batch is a service that enables you to run batch computing workloads on the cloud.

  • What is AWS Snowball?
    Answer: AWS Snowball is a service that enables you to transfer large amounts of data to and from AWS using a physical device.

  • What is AWS Elemental MediaConvert?
    Answer: AWS Elemental MediaConvert is a service that enables you to convert media files from one format to another in the cloud.

  • What is AWS Step Functions?
    Answer: AWS Step Functions is a fully managed service that enables you to build and run workflows that integrate with AWS services.

  • What is AWS Data Pipeline?
    Answer: AWS Data Pipeline is a service that enables you to move and process data between different AWS services and on-premises data sources.

  • What is AWS CloudTrail?
    Answer: AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables you to log, monitor, and retain events related to API calls and configuration changes made in your AWS account.

  • What is AWS Device Farm?
    Answer: AWS Device Farm is a service that enables you to test your mobile apps on real devices in the cloud.

  • What is AWS Server Migration Service?
    Answer: AWS Server Migration Service is a service that enables you to migrate your on-premises servers to AWS.

  • What is Amazon EMR?
    Answer: Amazon EMR is a fully managed service that enables you to process and analyze big data using popular distributed computing frameworks.

  • What is Amazon SES?
    Answer: Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) is a service that enables you to send and receive email using AWS.

  • What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk?
    Answer: AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a fully managed service that enables you to deploy and manage your web applications on AWS.

  • What is Amazon Aurora?
    Answer: Amazon Aurora is a fully managed relational database service that is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL.

  • What is AWS CodeDeploy?
    Answer: AWS CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service that enables you to automate code deployments to EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and on-premises instances.

  • What is Amazon CloudFront?
    Answer: Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) that enables you to deliver your content to end users with low latency and high transfer speeds.

  • What is AWS OpsWorks?
    Answer: AWS OpsWorks is a fully managed configuration management service that enables you to automate the deployment and configuration of your applications.

  • What is Amazon MQ?
    Answer: Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service that enables you to use popular messaging protocols such as AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP.

  • What is Amazon GuardDuty?
    Answer: Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that enables you to monitor and detect malicious activity in your AWS account.

  • What is AWS Glue?
    Answer: AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that enables you to prepare and load data for analytics.

  • What is Amazon Redshift?
    Answer: Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that enables you to store and analyze large amounts of data.

  • What is AWS X-Ray?
    Answer: AWS X-Ray is a service that enables you to trace and analyze the performance of your distributed applications.

  • What is Amazon Route 53?
    Answer: Amazon Route 53 is a highly scalable and available Domain Name System (DNS) service that enables you to route traffic to your AWS resources.

  • What is AWS Certificate Manager?
    Answer: AWS Certificate Manager is a service that enables you to provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates for your AWS resources.

  • What is Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) is a fully managed big data processing service that enables you to process large amounts of data using Hadoop and Spark.

  • What is AWS IoT?
    Answer: AWS IoT is a service that enables you to connect and manage IoT devices in a scalable and secure way.

  • What is AWS CodeCommit?
    Answer: AWS CodeCommit is a fully managed source control service that enables you to host and manage Git repositories.

  • What is AWS CodePipeline?
    Answer: AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that enables you to automate the release of your software.

  • What is AWS Config?
    Answer: AWS Config is a service that enables you to monitor and audit your AWS resources for compliance and security.

  • What is AWS Batch?
    Answer: AWS Batch is a service that enables you to run batch computing workloads on the cloud.

  • What is AWS Organizations?
    Answer: AWS Organizations is a service that enables you to manage multiple AWS accounts in a centralized way.

  • What is Amazon S3 Glacier?
    Answer: Amazon S3 Glacier is a low-cost, secure, and durable storage service that enables you to store and archive data for long-term retention.
  • What is AWS Direct Connect?
    Answer: AWS Direct Connect is a service that enables you to establish a dedicated network connection between your on-premises data center and AWS.

  • What is AWS Lambda?
    Answer: AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that enables you to run code without provisioning or managing servers.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that enables you to run and manage Docker containers on AWS.

  • What is Amazon CloudWatch?
    Answer: Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service that enables you to monitor your AWS resources and applications in real-time.

  • What is Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration?
    Answer: Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration is a service that enables you to transfer large files over the internet faster using Amazon's global network of edge locations.

  • What is AWS KMS?
    Answer: AWS KMS is a managed service that enables you to create and manage encryption keys to encrypt your data in AWS.

  • What is AWS Step Functions?
    Answer: AWS Step Functions is a fully managed service that enables you to build and run state machines for coordinating the components of your application.

  • What is Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a fully managed file storage service that enables you to create and configure file systems to store and access your data.

  • What is AWS CloudTrail?
    Answer: AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables you to log, monitor, and retain information about events in your AWS account.

  • What is AWS Auto Scaling?
    Answer: AWS Auto Scaling is a service that enables you to automatically scale your EC2 instances to meet the demand of your applications.

  • What is Amazon RDS?
    Answer: Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that enables you to create and manage databases in the cloud.

  • What is Amazon Elastic Inference?
    Answer: Amazon Elastic Inference is a service that enables you to add GPU-powered inference acceleration to your applications without the need to provision or manage any GPU infrastructure.

  • What is AWS Storage Gateway?
    Answer: AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid storage service that enables you to seamlessly integrate your on-premises applications with AWS storage services.

  • What is AWS WAF?
    Answer: AWS WAF is a web application firewall service that enables you to protect your web applications from common web exploits.

  • What is Amazon WorkSpaces?
    Answer: Amazon WorkSpaces is a fully managed, secure, and scalable desktop-as-a-service solution that enables you to provide desktops to your users from the cloud.

  • What is AWS Secrets Manager?
    Answer: AWS Secrets Manager is a service that enables you to securely store, retrieve, and manage secrets such as database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information.

  • What is AWS Snowball?
    Answer: AWS Snowball is a service that enables you to transfer large amounts of data to and from AWS using physical storage devices.

  • What is Amazon Transcribe?
    Answer: Amazon Transcribe is a fully managed speech recognition service that enables you to convert speech to text in real-time or from recorded audio.

  • What is Amazon Comprehend?
    Answer: Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing service that enables you to analyze text and extract insights such as sentiment analysis, entity recognition, and topic modeling.

  • What is AWS IoT Analytics?
    Answer: AWS IoT Analytics is a fully managed service that enables you to analyze and process IoT data at scale using SQL queries and visualizations.

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