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Message persistence in JMS

Message persistence refers to the ability of a JMS (Java Message Service) provider to persistently store messages in a message queue so that they can survive system failures. If a JMS provider supports message persistence, messages sent to a queue will be stored in a database or a file system and remain there until they are consumed by a JMS consumer.

Here is an example of how message persistence can be used in JMS:

  1. A financial services company wants to process stock trade orders from multiple clients. The orders are received as JMS messages and are placed in a queue for processing. To ensure that no trade order is lost in case of a system failure, the JMS provider is configured to persistently store the messages in a database.

  2. A retail company wants to send promotional emails to its customers. The email messages are created as JMS messages and placed in a queue for delivery. To ensure that no email is lost if the email delivery system fails, the JMS provider is configured to persistently store the messages in a file system.

In both examples, if a system failure occurs, the JMS provider can recover the persisted messages and re-deliver them to the queue for processing. This guarantees that no message is lost and that the processing continues seamlessly after the failure.

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