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CSS Selectors
CSS selectors are used to select specific HTML elements on a web page and apply styles to them. There are various types of CSS selectors. Selectors are divided into different categories:
- Simple : Selecting the HTML element based on id, class or type.
- Attribute : Selecting the element based on its attributes
- Combination: Selecting element based on parent or siblings element
- Pseudo Class: Selecting element based on it's state
- Pseudo Element: Selecting element based on its part
Simple Selectors
Class selector: Below code will apply style to all the elements on the HTML page with class classA
.classA{padding: 10px;margin: 10px;}
Id selector: Below code will apply the style to the element with idA
#idA{padding: 10px;margin: 10px;}
Element type: Below code will apply the style to all the <p> elements
p {padding: 10px;margin: 10px;}
Multiple: Below code will apply the style to all the <p> elements with class classB
p.classB {padding: 10px;margin: 10px;}
Group: Below code will apply the style to all the h1 elements and p elements
h1, p {padding: 10px;margin: 10px;}
Attribute Selectors
Below code will apply the style to all div elements that have lang attribute.
div[lang] {color: #ccc;}
Below code will apply the style to all the input elements with attribute type as text
input[type="text"] {color: #ccc;}
Below code will apply the style to all the input elements with attribute type other than text
input[type~="text"] {color: #ccc;}
Below code will apply the style to all the elements that have class name starting with primary
[class^="primary"] {color: #ccc;}
Below code will apply the style to all the elements that have class name ending with stop
[class$="stop"] {color: #ccc;}
Below code will apply the style to all the elements that contain mini in the class name
[class*="mini"] {color: #ccc;}
Combination Selectors
- Blank space is used to select the descendants (multi level)
- > symbol is used to select the children
- + symbol is used to select adjacent sibling
- ~ symbol is used to select all siblings
Below code will select all the h2 elements inside a div element
div h1 {color: #ccc;}
Below code will select all paragraph elements that are children of div element
div > p {color: #ccc;}
Below code will select the first h2 element that is placed immediately after the div of class classA
div.classA + h2 {color: #ccc;}
Below code will select all h2 elements that are next siblings of the div of class classA
div.classA ~ h2 {color: #ccc;}
Pseudo Class
Here are commonly used pseudo classes:
- :active - To select active element. Example div:active
- :link - To select un visited link. Example a:link
- :visited - To select visited link. Example a:visited
- :checked - To select the element that is checked. Example input:checked
- :disabled - To select disabled elements. Example input:disabled
- :enabled - To select enabled elements. Example input:enabled
- :first-child - To select first child. Example h1:first-child
- :focus - To select the element that has focus. Example input:focus
- :hover - To select the element on mouse hover. Example div:hover
Below code will select and apply the style to all enabled input boxes
input:enabled {background-color: rgb(242, 241, 241);border-color: rgb(8, 91, 91);}
Pseudo Elements
It is used to style specific part of the element. Here are commonly used pseudo elements:
- ::first-letter - To select the first letter of the element. Example input::first-letter
- ::first-line - To select the first line of the element. Example div::first-line
- ::selection - To select the portion selected by user. Example div::selection
- ::after - To insert the content after the element. Example div::after
- ::before - To insert content before the element. Example div::before
Below code will double the size of the first letter of div with class home.
div.home::first-letter {font-size: 200%;}
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