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Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm is a tool for orchestrating and managing a cluster of Docker hosts. It allows you to create and manage a swarm of Docker nodes, and deploy and manage Docker services across the nodes. Docker Swarm provides features such as service discovery, load balancing, and high availability.

Here's how to create a Docker Swarm cluster to manage multiple Docker hosts:

  • Initialize the Swarm: You can initialize the Docker Swarm on a host by running the following command:
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docker swarm init

This command initializes the Swarm and creates a manager node. The output of the command includes a token that you can use to add worker nodes to the Swarm.

  • Join nodes to the Swarm: You can add worker nodes to the Swarm by running the following command on each node:
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docker swarm join --token <token> <manager-ip>:<manager-port>

Replace <token> with the token generated by the docker swarm init command, and <manager-ip> and <manager-port> with the IP address and port of the manager node.

  • Deploy services to the Swarm: You can deploy Docker services to the Swarm using a Docker Compose file that includes a deploy section. Here's an example Compose file:
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version: '3' services: web: image: my-image deploy: replicas: 3 placement: constraints: [node.role == worker]

This Compose file defines a service named web that uses the my-image image and deploys three replicas of the service to worker nodes.

  • Deploy the services to the Swarm: You can deploy the services to the Swarm by running the following command:
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docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml my-app

This command deploys the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file to the Swarm as a stack named my-app.

With these steps, you can create a Docker Swarm cluster to manage multiple Docker hosts. You can scale services up or down by changing the number of replicas in the Compose file, and you can manage the Swarm and its services using the Docker CLI.

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