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Docker Registry

A Docker registry is a central repository that stores and distributes Docker images. A registry can be either public or private, and it allows users to share and distribute Docker images easily.

Here's how to set up and use a Docker registry to store and distribute Docker images:

  • Set up a registry: You can set up a Docker registry by running the registry image as a container. Here's an example of how to set up a registry:
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docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

This command runs the registry image as a container and exposes its web interface on port 5000.

  • Tag an image: Before you can push an image to the registry, you need to tag it with the registry's URL. Here's an example of how to tag an image:
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docker tag my-image localhost:5000/my-image

This command tags the my-image image with the URL of the local registry.

  • Push an image: Once you've tagged an image, you can push it to the registry. Here's an example of how to push an image:
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docker push localhost:5000/my-image

This command pushes the my-image image to the local registry.

  • Pull an image: To pull an image from a registry, you can use the docker pull command. Here's an example of how to pull an image:
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docker pull localhost:5000/my-image

This command pulls the my-image image from the local registry.

  • Authenticate with a private registry: If you're using a private registry, you'll need to authenticate before you can push or pull images. You can use the docker login command to authenticate with a registry. Here's an example of how to authenticate with a private registry:
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docker login

This command prompts you for your username and password and authenticates you with the registry.

With these steps, you can set up and use a Docker registry to store and distribute Docker images. Docker registries can be either public or private, depending on your needs, and they provide an easy way to share and distribute Docker images.

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