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Docker containers

Docker containers are lightweight and portable executable units that package an application and its dependencies. Containers allow developers to isolate their applications from the underlying host operating system and other applications running on it. In this section, we will learn how to create, run, stop, and remove Docker containers using code examples.

  • Creating a Docker container:

To create a Docker container, we need to first have a Docker image. We can either build the Docker image using a Dockerfile or pull an existing image from a Docker registry. Once we have the image, we can use the following command to create a Docker container:

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docker create --name mycontainer myimage

This command will create a new Docker container with the name "mycontainer" from the "myimage" Docker image.

  • Running a Docker container:

To run a Docker container, we can use the following command:

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docker start mycontainer

This command will start the "mycontainer" Docker container. If the container was already running, this command will simply return the container ID.

  • Stopping a Docker container:

To stop a running Docker container, we can use the following command:

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docker stop mycontainer

This command will gracefully stop the "mycontainer" Docker container.

  • Removing a Docker container:

To remove a Docker container, we can use the following command:

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docker rm mycontainer

This command will remove the "mycontainer" Docker container. Note that the container must be stopped before it can be removed.

Here is an example of how to create, run, stop, and remove a Docker container using the above commands:

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# Create a Docker container from a Docker image docker create --name mycontainer ubuntu:latest # Start the Docker container docker start mycontainer # Stop the Docker container docker stop mycontainer # Remove the Docker container docker rm mycontainer

In the above example, we create a new Docker container from the "ubuntu:latest" image with the name "mycontainer". We then start the container, stop it, and remove it.

Next: Dockerfile

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