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Quiz - Docker - 2


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the purpose of a Docker swarm?
To manage multiple Docker hosts as a single virtual host
To automate the creation of Docker images
To monitor Docker containers
To restrict network access for Docker containers
To manage multiple Docker hosts as a single virtual host

Which Docker command is used to build a Docker image from a Dockerfile?
docker build
docker create
docker start
docker run
docker build

What is the purpose of the Docker Compose tool?
To manage a single Docker container
To manage multiple Docker containers as a single application
To view logs for a Docker container
To monitor resource usage for Docker containers
To manage multiple Docker containers as a single application

Which of the following is not a valid Docker network driver?

What is the purpose of a Docker registry?
To store Docker images
To run Docker containers
To manage Docker networks
To monitor Docker hosts
To store Docker images

What is the difference between a Docker image and a Docker container?
An image is a lightweight standalone executable while a container is an instance of an image
A container is a lightweight standalone executable while an image is an instance of a container
An image is a platform while a container is a language
A container is a platform while an image is a language
An image is a lightweight standalone executable while a container is an instance of an image

Which command is used to stop a running Docker container?
docker kill
docker stop
docker pause
docker remove
docker stop

What is a Docker network?
A virtual machine network
A physical network adapter
A logical network created by Docker
A network protocol used by Docker
A logical network created by Docker

Which of the following statements is true about Docker volumes?
Volumes are part of the Docker image
Volumes are always stored on the host system
Volumes can only be used by one container at a time
Volumes can be shared by multiple containers
Volumes can be shared by multiple containers

Which of the following commands is used to remove a Docker image?
docker delete
docker remove
docker rmi
docker destroy
docker rmi

{"qz1-621594":"To manage multiple Docker hosts as a single virtual host","qz1-621595":"docker build","qz1-621596":"To manage multiple Docker containers as a single application","qz1-621597":"Multi","qz1-621598":"To store Docker images","qz1-621599":"An image is a lightweight standalone executable while a container is an instance of an image","qz1-621600":"docker stop","qz1-621601":"A logical network created by Docker","qz1-621602":"Volumes can be shared by multiple containers","qz1-621603":"docker rmi"}

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