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Writing feature files with Gherkin

Cucumber feature files are written in a plain language format called Gherkin, which allows developers, testers, and stakeholders to understand the behavior of an application. A feature file consists of a set of scenarios that describe the behavior of the system under test. Each scenario is written in a specific format to allow Cucumber to understand and execute the test.

Here's an example of a simple feature file in Gherkin syntax:

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Feature: Login functionality As a user, I want to be able to log into the system so that I can access my account information. Scenario: Successful login Given the user is on the login page When the user enters a valid username and password Then the user should be taken to the home page Scenario: Unsuccessful login Given the user is on the login page When the user enters an invalid username and password Then the user should see an error message

In this example, the feature file describes the login functionality of a system. The first scenario outlines the steps for a successful login, and the second scenario outlines the steps for an unsuccessful login.

Each line in a scenario starts with a keyword:

  1. Given represents the initial state or context of the system.
  2. When represents an action performed by the user.
  3. Then represents the expected outcome.

The Gherkin syntax allows for a clear and concise description of the behavior of an application, making it easy for all stakeholders to understand the tests and their intended outcomes.

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