Parameterization of step definitions
Parameterization of step definitions in Cucumber allows you to pass data to your tests, making them more flexible and reusable. This can be done by using placeholders in the steps described in the feature files, which are then mapped to parameters in the step definitions.
Here's an example to explain the process of parameterization in Cucumber:
- Define steps with placeholders in a feature file: Let's consider a feature file for adding items to a shopping cart. The feature file might contain the following scenario:
Feature: Shopping cart functionality
Scenario: User can add items to the cart
Given the user is on the product page
When the user adds product "product_name" to the cart
Then the product "product_name" is added to the cart
- Create step definitions with parameters: For each step in the feature file, you need to create a corresponding step definition. Step definitions can accept parameters, which are used to pass data to the tests.
Here's an example implementation of the step definitions for the shopping cart scenario with parameters:
@Given("the user is on the product page")
public void navigateToProductPage() {
// code to navigate to the product page
@When("the user adds product {string} to the cart")
public void addProductToCart(String productName) {
// code to add the product to the cart
@Then("the product {string} is added to the cart")
public void verifyProductInCart(String productName) {
// code to verify that the product is in the cart
In this example, the steps in the feature file contain placeholders for the product name. These placeholders are mapped to parameters in the step definitions, which can be used to pass data to the tests.
By parameterizing the step definitions, you can reuse the same tests with different data, making your tests more flexible and reducing the amount of duplicated code.
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