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Working with scenario outlines

Scenario outlines in Cucumber provide a way to run the same scenario with multiple sets of inputs and outputs. This is useful when you want to test the same behavior with different data inputs. Instead of writing multiple scenarios with identical steps, you can write a single scenario outline and specify the data in a table.

Here's an example of a scenario outline in Gherkin syntax:

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Feature: Login functionality As a user, I want to be able to log into the system so that I can access my account information. Scenario Outline: Successful login Given the user is on the login page When the user enters <username> and <password> Then the user should be taken to the home page Examples: | username | password | | user1 | password1 | | user2 | password2 | | user3 | password3 |

In this example, the scenario outline describes the steps for a successful login, and the examples table lists the different combinations of username and password that should be tested.

Cucumber will execute the scenario outline with each row of the examples table, effectively creating multiple scenarios. In this case, Cucumber would run the successful login scenario three times, once for each combination of username and password.

Scenario outlines allow you to test the same behavior with different inputs in a concise and readable manner, making it easier to maintain and understand your test suite.

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