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Creating step definitions in Cucumber

Step definitions in Cucumber are the glue that binds the feature files and the underlying application code. They define the implementation of the steps described in the feature files.

Here's an example to explain the process of creating step definitions in Cucumber:

  • Define the steps in a feature file: For example, let's consider a feature file for a login functionality. The feature file might contain the following scenario:
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Feature: Login functionality Scenario: User can login with valid credentials Given the user navigates to the login page When the user enters valid username and password Then the user is redirected to the home page
  • Create step definitions: For each step in the feature file, you need to create a corresponding step definition. Step definitions are written in Java, and are annotated with @Given, @When, or @Then.

Here's an example implementation of the step definitions for the login scenario:

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@Given("the user navigates to the login page") public void navigateToLoginPage() { // code to navigate to the login page } @When("the user enters valid username and password") public void enterCredentials() { // code to enter username and password } @Then("the user is redirected to the home page") public void verifyHomePage() { // code to verify that the user is redirected to the home page }

Note that the step definitions should match the steps described in the feature file exactly, including any parameters.

In this example, each step definition implements the corresponding step in the feature file. The step definitions use the application code to perform the actions described in the feature file, and can use assertions to verify that the expected behavior has been implemented.

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