Using JSP actions
JSP actions are predefined tags that are used to provide pre-built functionality in JSP pages. Actions are a type of JSP element that start with the <jsp: prefix and end with the /> symbol. Actions can be used to perform tasks such as including other files, forwarding requests, controlling the page flow, and setting attributes.
Here are some examples of JSP actions:
- Including Files with jsp:include Action
The jsp:include action is used to include another file into the current JSP page. This can be useful for reusing common HTML elements, such as headers or footers, across multiple pages. Here's an example:
<jsp:include page="header.jsp" />
This includes the file "header.jsp" into the current JSP page.
- Forwarding Requests with jsp:forward Action
The jsp:forward action is used to forward the request to another page or servlet. This can be used to control the flow of the application and direct users to different pages based on their actions. Here's an example:
<jsp:forward page="welcome.jsp" />
This forwards the request to the "welcome.jsp" page.
- Setting Attributes with jsp:setProperty Action
The jsp:setProperty action is used to set properties on JavaBeans, which are Java objects that contain data and methods. This can be useful for passing data between pages and storing data for later use. Here's an example:
<jsp:useBean id="user" class="com.example.User" />
<jsp:setProperty name="user" property="name" value="John" />
This creates a new instance of the "User" JavaBean, sets the "name" property to "John", and assigns it to the "user" variable.
Overall, JSP actions provide a convenient way to perform common tasks in JSP pages, and can save time and effort in development.
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