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JSP expressions
JSP (JavaServer Pages) expressions allow you to embed Java code directly within your HTML markup. JSP expressions are evaluated at request time, and their results are included in the HTML response. Here's an example of how to use JSP expressions:
jspCopy code
<h1>Welcome, <%= request.getParameter("name") %>!</h1>
In this example, we're using a JSP expression to output the value of a request parameter named "name". When the JSP page is requested by the client, the expression is evaluated and its result is included in the HTML response.
JSP expressions are delimited by the characters <%=
and %>
, and can contain any valid Java expression. Here are some more examples of JSP expressions:
jspCopy code
<!-- Output the result of a Java expression -->
<p>The result is <%= 1 + 2 %></p>
<!-- Output a variable's value -->
int num = 42;
<p>The value of num is <%= num %></p>
<!-- Call a method and output the result -->
<p>The current time is <%= new java.util.Date() %></p>
<!-- Output the value of a variable in a scriptlet -->
String message = "Hello, JSP!";
<p>The message is <%= message %></p>
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