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React Interview Questions A

What is React, and how does it differ from traditional JavaScript frameworks?
Explain the concept of a virtual DOM and its role in React.
How do you create a new React application using Create React App?
What are functional components, and when would you use them?
Describe class components in React and their use cases.
How do you create a component in React, and what are the different ways to do it?
What is JSX, and how is it transpiled in a React project?
Explain the key differences between props and state in React.
How can you pass data from a parent component to a child component in React?
What is a React fragment, and why would you use it?
Describe the concept of controlled and uncontrolled components in React.
What is the purpose of the key prop in React lists, and why is it important?
How can you conditionally render components in React?
Explain the use of the ref attribute in React.
What is the significance of the render method in a class component?
Describe the lifecycle methods in class components and their order of execution.
What are the differences between componentDidMount and componentWillMount?
How do you handle component updates in React, and which methods are involved?
Explain the purpose of shouldComponentUpdate and when it's useful.
Describe the lifecycle methods of a functional component using hooks.
How can you replicate the functionality of componentDidUpdate in functional components?
What is the significance of the useEffect hook in React?
How do you manage component side effects using hooks?
Explain how to perform data fetching in React components using hooks.
What is the useState hook, and how is it used to manage state in functional components?
Describe the useReducer hook and its use cases.
How do you create custom hooks in React, and why would you use them?
What is the role of the useLayoutEffect hook in React?
Explain the differences between class component lifecycle and functional component lifecycle using hooks.
What is the purpose of state management in React?
How can you lift state up in a React application?
Explain the use of the Context API for global state management.
What is a higher-order component (HOC) in React, and how is it used for state management?
Describe the concepts of Redux and Mobx for state management in React.
How do you pass data between sibling components in React?
What is the role of the useState hook in managing component state?
Explain the principles of immutability in React state updates.
How can you update state based on the previous state in React?
What is the significance of the useMemo and useCallback hooks?
Describe the Redux store, actions, reducers, and how they work together.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Redux for state management?
How do you handle asynchronous actions in Redux?
Explain the purpose of thunks, sagas, and observables in Redux middleware.
What is the role of selectors in Redux, and how are they useful for data manipulation?
Describe the principles of state normalization in Redux.
How can you manage local component state alongside global state management libraries like Redux?
What is Redux DevTools, and how can it help with debugging and state inspection?
Explain the use of Mobx stores and observables for state management.
What are the differences between Redux and Mobx in terms of state management?
How do you implement client-side routing in a React application?
What is React Router, and how do you use it for routing?
Explain the differences between and in React Router.
How can you create dynamic routes in React Router?
What is route nesting, and when would you use it?

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