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React Interview Questions B

Describe the purpose of route parameters and how to access them in React Router.
How do you protect routes and handle authentication in React applications?
What is lazy loading in React Router, and how can it improve performance?
Explain how to handle 404 (not found) routes in a React application.
What is route-based code splitting, and how can you implement it with React Router?
How can you achieve navigation and redirection between routes in React?
Describe the use of route guards and hooks in React Router.
What is the significance of the withRouter HOC in React Router?
How do you handle query parameters in React Router?
What are route transitions and how can you implement them in React Router?
How do you create controlled components in React for form handling?
What is the purpose of the onChange event in form inputs?
How can you implement a simple form with user input validation in React?
Explain the use of the value prop in form inputs.
What is the significance of form submission and how is it handled in React?
How do you work with checkboxes, radio buttons, and select elements in React forms?
Describe the principles of form validation and error handling in React applications.
How can you use libraries like Formik or Redux Form for form management in React?
What is the Controlled Component Pattern in React, and how does it relate to form handling?
How do you upload files in React forms, and what are the considerations for file handling?
Explain how to handle complex form structures and nested form components in React.
What is the purpose of the onSubmit event in React forms?
How can you implement form submission with asynchronous requests in React?
Describe the role of error messages and validation feedback in form handling.
What are uncontrolled components, and when might you use them in React forms?
What are the different ways to apply CSS styles to React components?
Explain the use of inline styles in React and their advantages.
How can you use CSS modules for component-level styling in React?
What is the purpose of CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components and emotion in React?
Describe the advantages of using a CSS preprocessor (e.g., SASS, LESS) with React.
How do you implement conditional styling in React components?
What are CSS variables (custom properties), and how can you use them in React?
Explain the use of third-party UI libraries and component styling in React.
How do you handle responsive design and media queries in React applications?
What is the significance of CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Material-UI in React projects?
Describe the principles of theming and skinning in React applications.
How can you implement dark mode or light mode themes in a React application?
What is the role of global CSS and style normalization in React projects?
How can you optimize the performance of styles in a large React application?
Explain the use of animations and transitions in React for user interface effects.
What are pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements in CSS, and how are they applied in React?
How do you handle vendor prefixes and browser compatibility in React styles?
Describe the principles of accessibility and inclusive design in styling React components.
How can you integrate design systems and design tokens into a React project?

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