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Quiz - React - 3


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What is the use of the useEffect hook in React?
To manage complex state updates
To access data from a context in a functional component
To add state to a functional component
To handle side effects in functional components
To handle side effects in functional components

What is the difference between setState and forceUpdate in React?
setState updates the state of a component and triggers a re-render, while forceUpdate only triggers a re-render without updating the state
setState adds a new state property to a component, while forceUpdate updates an existing state property
setState only updates the state of a parent component, while forceUpdate updates the state of all child components
setState is only used in class components, while forceUpdate can be used in both class and functional components
setState updates the state of a component and triggers a re-render, while forceUpdate only triggers a re-render without updating the state

What is the use of the useCallback hook in React?
To cache the result of a function that is expensive to compute
To handle events in a functional component
To add state to a functional component
To optimize the performance of functional components by returning a memoized version of a callback function
To optimize the performance of functional components by returning a memoized version of a callback function

What is the purpose of the key prop in React?
To handle events in a component
To identify a unique element in a list of elements for optimization purposes
To store the component's state
To pass data from a parent component to a child component
To identify a unique element in a list of elements for optimization purposes

What is the use of the useRef hook in React?
To handle events in a functional component
To access and manipulate the value of a DOM element in a functional component
To add state to a functional component
To cache the result of a function that is expensive to compute
To access and manipulate the value of a DOM element in a functional component

What is the difference between server-side rendering and client-side rendering in React?
Server-side rendering generates the HTML on the server and sends it to the client, while client-side rendering generates the HTML on the client using JavaScript
Server-side rendering can only be used with class components, while client-side rendering can only be used with functional components
Server-side rendering is faster, but has limited capabilities, while client-side rendering is slower, but has more capabilities
Server-side rendering is only used for static websites, while client-side rendering is only used for dynamic websites
Server-side rendering generates the HTML on the server and sends it to the client, while client-side rendering generates the HTML on the client using JavaScript

What is the use of the React.memo higher-order component in React?
To handle events in a component
To memoize a component to optimize its rendering performance
To store the component's state
To pass data from a parent component to a child component
To memoize a component to optimize its rendering performance

What is the difference between props and state in React?
props are passed down from a parent component to a child component, while state is managed within a component
props can only be used in functional components, while state can only be used in class components
props are read-only, while state is mutable
props are used to store the component's internal data, while state is used to store data from external sources
props are passed down from a parent component to a child component, while state is managed within a component

What is the purpose of the render method in React class components?
To handle events in a component
To add state to a component
To return the elements that should be rendered by the component
To pass data from a parent component to a child component
To return the elements that should be rendered by the component

What is the use of the useReducer hook in React?
To handle complex state updates in a functional component
To access data from a context in a functional component
To handle events in a functional component
To add state to a functional component
To handle complex state updates in a functional component

{"qz1-159416":"To handle side effects in functional components","qz1-159417":"setState updates the state of a component and triggers a re-render, while forceUpdate only triggers a re-render without updating the state","qz1-159418":"To optimize the performance of functional components by returning a memoized version of a callback function","qz1-159419":"To identify a unique element in a list of elements for optimization purposes","qz1-159420":"To access and manipulate the value of a DOM element in a functional component","qz1-159421":"Server-side rendering generates the HTML on the server and sends it to the client, while client-side rendering generates the HTML on the client using JavaScript","qz1-159422":"To memoize a component to optimize its rendering performance","qz1-159423":"props are passed down from a parent component to a child component, while state is managed within a component","qz1-159424":"To return the elements that should be rendered by the component","qz1-159425":"To handle complex state updates in a functional component"}

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