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The for...of loop in JavaScript is used to iterate over iterable objects, such as arrays, strings, maps, sets, and more. It provides a cleaner syntax compared to traditional for loops when working with arrays and other iterable objects. Here's how it works with some code examples:

  1. Iterating over an array using for...of:

const colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']; for (const color of colors) { console.log(color); } // Output: // red // green // blue

In this example, the for...of loop iterates over each element of the colors array, assigning each element in turn to the variable color, and then logs each color to the console.

  1. Iterating over a string using for...of:

const str = 'hello'; for (const char of str) { console.log(char); } // Output: // h // e // l // l // o

Here, the for...of loop iterates over each character of the string str, assigning each character in turn to the variable char, and then logs each character to the console.

  1. Iterating over a map using for...of:

const myMap = new Map([ ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3] ]); for (const [key, value] of myMap) { console.log(key, value); } // Output: // a 1 // b 2 // c 3

In this example, the for...of loop iterates over each key-value pair of the map myMap, destructuring the key-value pair into variables key and value, and then logs each key-value pair to the console.

  1. Iterating over a set using for...of:

const mySet = new Set([1, 2, 3]); for (const value of mySet) { console.log(value); } // Output: // 1 // 2 // 3

Here, the for...of loop iterates over each element of the set mySet, assigning each element in turn to the variable value, and then logs each value to the console.

In summary, the for...of loop provides a concise and readable way to iterate over iterable objects in JavaScript, making it easier to work with arrays, strings, maps, sets, and other iterable objects.

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