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COBOL Data Types

COBOL supports several data types, including alphanumeric, numeric, and binary data. These data types are used to represent different types of data within a COBOL program. Here's an overview of each data type and some code examples:

  • Alphanumeric Data: Alphanumeric data is used to represent characters and strings of characters in COBOL programs. It can include letters, numbers, and special characters. Alphanumeric data is defined using the PIC (picture) clause and can be either fixed or variable length. For example:
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01 NAME PIC X(20).

In this example, NAME is a variable of 20 characters in length.

  • Numeric Data: Numeric data is used to represent numeric values such as integers, decimals, and floating-point numbers. Numeric data is defined using the PIC (picture) clause, and the length of the data is specified along with the type of data. For example:
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01 AGE PIC 99.

In this example, AGE is a variable of 2 digits in length, representing an integer value between 0 and 99.

  • Binary Data: Binary data is used to represent data in a binary format, which is useful for performing arithmetic operations. Binary data is defined using the COMP or COMP-3 clause. For example:
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In this example, TOTAL-COST is a signed decimal number with 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. The COMP-3 clause indicates that the data should be stored in a packed decimal format.

In addition to these data types, COBOL also supports other data types such as dates and times, which can be useful in applications that involve working with dates and times. COBOL also allows for the creation of user-defined data types using the USAGE clause.

Overall, understanding the different COBOL data types is essential when working with COBOL programs as they are used extensively in data handling and manipulation within these programs.

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