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Quiz - COBOL - 3


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Select the right answer for below questions:

Which of the following is not a valid COBOL data structure?

In COBOL, what is the purpose of the “RECORDING MODE” clause in a file definition?
To specify the type of record format used in the file
To specify the access mode used in the file
To specify the location of the file on disk
To specify the maximum size of the file
To specify the type of record format used in the file

What is the purpose of the “COMPUTE” statement in COBOL?
To perform arithmetic operations on variables
To read input from the user
To write output to a file
To perform string operations on variables
To perform arithmetic operations on variables

Which of the following is not a valid COBOL arithmetic operator?

In COBOL, what is the maximum length of a data item defined with the “USAGE IS COMP-3” clause?
4 bytes
8 bytes
16 bytes
32 bytes
8 bytes

What is the purpose of the “GO TO” statement in COBOL?
To jump to a different section of code
To terminate the program
To indicate the end of a program
To continue execution after a loop or conditional statement
To jump to a different section of code

Which of the following is not a valid COBOL conditional statement?

What is the purpose of the “OCCURS” clause in a COBOL data definition?
To define an array
To define a record
To define a table
To define a set
To define an array

In COBOL, what is the purpose of the “REDEFINES” clause in a data definition?
To redefine a variable with a different name
To redefine a variable with a different data type
To redefine a variable with a different length
To redefine a variable with a different layout
To redefine a variable with a different layout

What is the purpose of the “EXIT” statement in COBOL?
To jump to a different section of code
To terminate the program
To continue execution after a loop or conditional statement
To indicate the end of a program
To terminate the program

{"qz1-275196":"SET","qz1-275197":"To specify the type of record format used in the file","qz1-275198":"To perform arithmetic operations on variables","qz1-275199":"%","qz1-275200":"8 bytes","qz1-275201":"To jump to a different section of code","qz1-275202":"THEN","qz1-275203":"To define an array","qz1-275204":"To redefine a variable with a different layout","qz1-275205":"To terminate the program"}

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