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Debugging Techniques

Debugging is the process of identifying and resolving errors, bugs, and other issues in software programs. Debugging COBOL programs involves finding and fixing issues in the code. Here are some debugging techniques that can be used when working with COBOL programs:

  • Breakpoints: Breakpoints are used to pause the execution of a program at a specific line of code, allowing the programmer to examine the program's state at that point. In COBOL, breakpoints can be set using the STOP RUN statement. For example:
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IF AGE > 18 DISPLAY "You are an adult." ELSE STOP RUN. END-IF.

In this example, the STOP RUN statement will pause the execution of the program at the ELSE statement, allowing the programmer to examine the program's state and identify any issues.

  • Tracing: Tracing is used to track the execution of a program, allowing the programmer to identify the sequence of events that led to an error or issue. In COBOL, tracing can be enabled using the TRACING clause in the PROCEDURE DIVISION header. For example:
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In this example, the TRACING clause will enable tracing for the entire PROCEDURE DIVISION, allowing the programmer to examine the sequence of events that led to an error.

  • Error Messages: Error messages are displayed when a program encounters an error or issue, allowing the programmer to identify the cause of the problem. In COBOL, error messages can be displayed using the DISPLAY statement, or by using the compiler's error reporting system. For example:
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IF AGE > 18 DISPLAY "You are an adult." ELSE DISPLAY "Error: You are a minor." END-IF.

In this example, the DISPLAY statement is used to display an error message if the value of the variable AGE is less than or equal to 18.

In addition to these debugging techniques, COBOL also supports other debugging tools such as code analyzers and debugging environments, which can help to identify and resolve issues in COBOL programs.

Overall, understanding these debugging techniques and tools is essential when working with COBOL programs, as it can help to identify and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

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