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JUnit reporting

JUnit test reporting refers to the process of generating a report that summarizes the results of your JUnit tests. JUnit provides several built-in mechanisms for generating test reports, including the following:

  1. Console Output: JUnit outputs the results of your tests to the console by default. For each test, it will print "." if the test passed, "F" if the test failed, and "E" if the test caused an error.
  1. XML Reports: JUnit can also generate XML reports, which provide a detailed view of the test results in a structured format. The XML report includes information such as the name of each test, whether it passed or failed, and any exception that was thrown during the test.

Here's an example of a JUnit XML report:

<testsuite name="ExceptionTest" tests="2" failures="1" errors="0">
  <testcase name="divideByZeroTest" time="0.01">
    <failure type="java.lang.ArithmeticException" message="/ by zero">java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
	at ExceptionTest.divideByZeroTest(
  <testcase name="anotherTest" time="0.01"/>

To generate XML reports in JUnit, you can use a build tool such as Maven or Gradle, or a CI/CD tool such as Jenkins, which have built-in support for generating JUnit XML reports.

  1. HTML Reports: JUnit can also generate HTML reports, which provide a more user-friendly view of the test results. HTML reports include information such as the name of each test, whether it passed or failed, any exception that was thrown, and a stack trace of the exception.

To generate HTML reports in JUnit, you can use a tool such as the JUnit HTML Reporter, which is a plugin for generating HTML reports from JUnit XML reports.

These are just a few examples of the ways you can generate test reports with JUnit. By using test reports, you can get a clear view of the results of your tests and easily identify any failures or errors in your code.

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