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Quiz - React Native - 4


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the main difference between React Native and React?
React Native uses native components, React uses web components
React Native uses JavaScript, React uses HTML and CSS
React Native uses a virtual DOM, React uses a real DOM
React Native uses React Native CLI, React uses React CLI
React Native uses native components, React uses web components

What is the primary way to style components in React Native?
By using CSS
By using inline styles
By using the StyleSheet API
By using Sass or Less
By using inline styles

How can you implement navigation in a React Native app?
By using the React Native Navigator API
By using the React Navigation library
By using the React Native Router API
By using the React Router library
By using the React Navigation library

What is the purpose of the React Native community libraries?
To provide additional functionality for React Native apps
To provide compatibility with React libraries
To provide cross-platform support for React Native apps
All of the above
To provide additional functionality for React Native apps

How can you access native device features in a React Native app?
By using the React Native API
By using the React Native NativeModules
By using the React Native Platform API
By using the React Native Device API
By using the React Native NativeModules

What is the purpose of the React Native Flexbox layout system?
To provide a flexible and responsive layout for React Native apps
To provide a fixed and rigid layout for React Native apps
To provide a complex layout for React Native apps
To provide a simple layout for React Native apps
To provide a flexible and responsive layout for React Native apps

How can you handle user inputs in a React Native app?
By using the React Native Input API
By using the React Native TextInput component
By using the React Native Form API
By using the React Native Text component
By using the React Native TextInput component

What is the recommended way to handle API requests in a React Native app?
By using the Axios library
By using the Fetch API
By using the XHR API
By using the jQuery AJAX API
By using the Fetch API

How can you debug a React Native app?
By using the React Native Debugger
By using the React Native DevTools
By using the React Native Console
By using the Chrome DevTools
By using the Chrome DevTools

How can you deploy a React Native app to the app stores?
By using the React Native Deploy API
By using the React Native Expo
By using the React Native CLI
By using Xcode and Android Studio
By using Xcode and Android Studio

{"qz1-747766":"React Native uses native components, React uses web components","qz1-747767":"By using inline styles","qz1-747768":"By using the React Navigation library","qz1-747769":"To provide additional functionality for React Native apps","qz1-747770":"By using the React Native NativeModules","qz1-747771":"To provide a flexible and responsive layout for React Native apps","qz1-747772":"By using the React Native TextInput component","qz1-747773":"By using the Fetch API","qz1-747774":"By using the Chrome DevTools","qz1-747775":"By using Xcode and Android Studio"}

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