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Sorting and grouping data

Sorting and grouping data in SQL allows you to rearrange and summarize data in a way that is useful for analysis and decision making.

Here is an example of how to sort data in SQL:

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SELECT first_name, last_name, salary FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC;

In this example, the ORDER BY clause is used to sort the data in the employees table by the salary column in descending order. The result is a table that displays the first_name, last_name, and salary columns of all employees, sorted by their salaries from highest to lowest.

Here is an example of how to group data in SQL:

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SELECT department, SUM(salary) AS total_salary FROM employees GROUP BY department;

In this example, the GROUP BY clause is used to group the data in the employees table by the department column. The SUM function is used to calculate the total salary for each department. The AS keyword is used to assign an alias, total_salary, to the result of the SUM function. The result is a table that displays the department and the total_salary for each department, grouped by department.

Sorting and grouping data in SQL can be useful for analyzing large amounts of data and finding patterns and trends. These concepts are just the beginning of what you can do with SQL and can be combined with other SQL statements, such as JOIN, WHERE, and HAVING, to perform more complex data analysis tasks.

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