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Creating and using stored procedures

A stored procedure is a pre-compiled database object that contains a set of SQL statements. It can be executed multiple times, thus reducing the need for repetitive coding and improving the performance of the database. In SQL, you can create and use stored procedures to automate common tasks.

Here's an example of how you can create a stored procedure in SQL:

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CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name (IN parameter1 datatype, IN parameter2 datatype, ...) BEGIN -- SQL statements END;

The CREATE PROCEDURE statement is used to create a stored procedure. You can specify parameters that the stored procedure takes in, by using the IN keyword. The SQL statements that make up the procedure are placed between BEGIN and END.

Here's an example of how you can call a stored procedure:

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CALL procedure_name (parameter1_value, parameter2_value, ...);

The CALL statement is used to execute a stored procedure. You pass the values of the parameters in the same order as they are defined in the stored procedure.

For example, let's say you have a database with a table named employees and you want to create a stored procedure to retrieve the first name and last name of employees who have a salary greater than a specified value. You can create a stored procedure as follows:

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CREATE PROCEDURE get_employee_names (IN min_salary INT) BEGIN SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE salary > min_salary; END;

You can then call the stored procedure as follows:

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CALL get_employee_names (50000);

This would return the first name and last name of employees who have a salary greater than $50,000.

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