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Quiz - SQL - 2


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the purpose of the DELETE statement in SQL?
To retrieve data from a database
To add data to a database
To update data in a database
To delete data from a database
To delete data from a database

What is a subquery in SQL?
A separate database table
An independent query within another query
A database stored procedure
A database trigger
An independent query within another query

What is a database index in SQL?
A database table
A database constraint
A database trigger
A database structure used to increase query performance
A database structure used to increase query performance

What is the purpose of the ALTER statement in SQL?
To retrieve data from a database
To add data to a database
To modify the structure of a database table
To delete data from a database
To modify the structure of a database table

What is the purpose of the CREATE statement in SQL?
To retrieve data from a database
To add data to a database
To modify the structure of a database table
To create a database table, view, or other database object
To create a database table, view, or other database object

What is the purpose of the DROP statement in SQL?
To retrieve data from a database
To add data to a database
To modify the structure of a database table
To delete a database object such as a table, view, or index
To delete a database object such as a table, view, or index

What is a stored procedure in SQL?
A database table
A database constraint
A pre-compiled set of SQL statements that can be executed multiple times
A database trigger
A pre-compiled set of SQL statements that can be executed multiple times

What is a database trigger in SQL?
A database table
A database constraint
A database stored procedure
A set of instructions that are automatically executed in response to a specific event or change in the database
A set of instructions that are automatically executed in response to a specific event or change in the database

What is a database constraint in SQL?
A database table
A set of rules that restricts the values that can be entered into a database table
A database stored procedure
A database trigger
A set of rules that restricts the values that can be entered into a database table

What is the purpose of the UNION operator in SQL?
To combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set
To filter the results of a query
To sort the results of a query
To group the results of a query
To combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set

{"qz1-568683":"To delete data from a database","qz1-568684":"An independent query within another query","qz1-568685":"A database structure used to increase query performance","qz1-568686":"To modify the structure of a database table","qz1-568687":"To create a database table, view, or other database object","qz1-568688":"To delete a database object such as a table, view, or index","qz1-568689":"A pre-compiled set of SQL statements that can be executed multiple times","qz1-568690":"A set of instructions that are automatically executed in response to a specific event or change in the database","qz1-568691":"A set of rules that restricts the values that can be entered into a database table","qz1-568692":"To combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set"}

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