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Spring Interview Questions A

What is the Spring framework, and why is it popular in Java development?
Explain the core principles of the Spring framework.
How does Spring help with Inversion of Control (IoC)?
What is Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring, and why is it important?
Describe the difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext in Spring.
How do you define beans in a Spring application context?
Explain the role of the Spring container in managing beans.
What are the different types of bean scopes in Spring, and when would you use each?(**)
How can you create singleton and prototype beans in Spring?
What is the purpose of the @Component annotation in Spring?
How do you configure bean properties and dependencies in Spring XML?
What are the key components of the Spring framework, and how do they interact?
Describe the purpose of the BeanPostProcessor interface in Spring.
Explain the role of the ApplicationListener interface and the ApplicationEvent class.
How is internationalization and localization handled in Spring applications?
What is an application context in Spring, and how is it loaded?
Explain the differences between constructor-based and setter-based dependency injection.
What is autowiring in Spring, and how does it work?
Describe the use of the @Autowired annotation in Spring.
How is lazy initialization of beans achieved in Spring?
What is the purpose of the Spring Expression Language (SpEL)?
How do you use property placeholders in Spring configuration files?
Explain the concepts of inner beans and outer beans in Spring.
What is the purpose of profiles in Spring, and how are they defined?
How can you define and use bean aliases in Spring?
What is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor, and how is it used in Spring?
Describe the process of bean instantiation and initialization in Spring.
How is bean destruction and cleanup handled in Spring?
What is the purpose of the FactoryBean interface in Spring?
Explain the use of conditional bean registration in Spring.
What is AOP, and how does Spring support aspect-oriented programming?
Explain the key concepts of aspect, advice, join point, and pointcut in Spring AOP.
Describe the difference between before, after, and around advice in Spring.

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