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Spring Interview Questions B

What are the types of AOP proxies used in Spring, and how do they work?
How is cross-cutting concern implemented using Spring AOP?
What is the purpose of the @Aspect annotation in Spring?
How can you configure AOP in Spring using XML-based or annotation-based approaches?
Explain the limitations and challenges of Spring AOP.
What are the benefits of using aspect-oriented programming in Spring?
Describe the @Qualifier annotation and its use in resolving bean ambiguity.
Explain the purpose of the @Resource annotation in Spring.
What are the drawbacks of using field injection, and when should it be avoided?
Describe the use of method injection in Spring.
What is the purpose of the @Value annotation in Spring?
How can you inject collections (lists, maps, sets) of values or objects in Spring?
How do you handle optional dependencies in Spring?
Explain the benefits and limitations of using constructor injection.
How can you inject primitive types and literal values in Spring?
What is the purpose of the Spring JavaConfig approach, and how is it used?
How do you enable component scanning in a Spring application?
How can you use the @PropertySource annotation for externalized properties in Spring?
How do you specify primary beans in case of multiple bean candidates?
What is the purpose of the @Required annotation in Spring?
How is database access handled in Spring, and what are the available methods?
Describe the use of the JdbcTemplate class for JDBC operations in Spring.
Explain the advantages of using Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) in Spring.
What is the Spring Data project, and how does it simplify data access?
How can you perform declarative transaction management in Spring?
Describe the role of the @Transactional annotation in Spring.
What is Hibernate, and how is it integrated with Spring for ORM?
How do you configure data sources in Spring for database access?
Explain the Spring support for NoSQL databases.
What is Spring Batch, and how is it used for batch processing?
How can you implement asynchronous processing in Spring applications?
Explain the use of Spring Cloud for building microservices.
Explain the role of the DispatcherServlet in the Spring MVC framework.
What is a controller in Spring MVC, and how is it implemented?
How can you create RESTful web services using Spring MVC?
Describe the purpose of the @Controller and @RestController annotations.
How is request mapping and URL handling configured in Spring MVC?
Describe the Spring bean life cycle in detail.

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