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Quiz - Spring - 3


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Select the right answer for below questions:

Which of the following is not a feature of Groovy?
Dynamic typing
Static typing
Static typing

What is the default return type of a Groovy method?

How does Groovy handle missing methods or properties?
It throws a compile error
It throws a runtime error
It uses method missing and property missing methods
It automatically generates them
It uses method missing and property missing methods

What is the purpose of the "as" keyword in Groovy?
To cast an object to a specific type
To convert an object to a specific type
To compare two objects of different types
To assign an object to a specific type
To cast an object to a specific type

What is the difference between a "def" variable and a typed variable in Groovy?
A "def" variable can be assigned any type of value, while a typed variable can only be assigned values of a specific type
A typed variable can be assigned any type of value, while a "def" variable can only be assigned values of a specific type
def variables are dynamic, while typed variables are static
Typed variables are dynamic, while "def" variables are static
A "def" variable can be assigned any type of value, while a typed variable can only be assigned values of a specific type

What is the purpose of the "GPath" in Groovy?
To perform XPath-like queries on Groovy objects
To perform SQL-like queries on Groovy objects
To perform regular expression searches on Groovy objects
To perform object navigation on Groovy objects
To perform object navigation on Groovy objects

What is the purpose of the "switch" statement in Groovy?
To execute a block of code based on the value of a variable
To execute a block of code based on the type of a variable
To execute a block of code based on the range of a variable
To execute a block of code based on multiple conditions
To execute a block of code based on the value of a variable

How can you define a singleton class in Groovy?
By using the "singleton" keyword
By using the "static" keyword
By using the "@Singleton" annotation
By using the "@Synchronized" annotation
By using the "@Singleton" annotation

What is the purpose of the "@CompileStatic" annotation in Groovy?
To specify that a class should be compiled with static type checking
To specify that a class should be compiled with dynamic type checking
To specify that a class should be compiled as a singleton
To specify that a class should be compiled with optimization
To specify that a class should be compiled with static type checking

What is the difference between a "List" and a "Map" in Groovy?
A List is an ordered collection of elements, while a Map is an unordered collection of key-value pairs
A Map is an ordered collection of elements, while a List is an unordered collection of key-value pairs
A List is a collection of objects, while a Map is a collection of primitive data types
A Map is a collection of objects, while a List is a collection of primitive data types
A List is an ordered collection of elements, while a Map is an unordered collection of key-value pairs

{"qz1-471973":"Static typing","qz1-471974":"Object","qz1-471975":"It uses method missing and property missing methods","qz1-471976":"To cast an object to a specific type","qz1-471977":"A \"def\" variable can be assigned any type of value, while a typed variable can only be assigned values of a specific type","qz1-471978":"To perform object navigation on Groovy objects","qz1-471979":"To execute a block of code based on the value of a variable","qz1-471980":"By using the \"@Singleton\" annotation","qz1-471981":"To specify that a class should be compiled with static type checking","qz1-471982":"A List is an ordered collection of elements, while a Map is an unordered collection of key-value pairs"}

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