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Angular Interview Questions A

What is Angular, and how does it differ from AngularJS?
Explain the key features of Angular.
How do you create a new Angular application using Angular CLI?
Describe the Angular project structure.
What are components in Angular, and how do you create them?
Explain the purpose of templates and views in Angular components.
How is data binding implemented in Angular, and what are the different types?
What is the role of directives in Angular, and provide examples.
How do you handle user input and events in Angular components?
Describe the use of pipes for data transformation in Angular.
What is the Angular module, and why is it important?
Explain the difference between NgModule and Component in Angular.
How can you share data and services between components in Angular?
What is dependency injection in Angular, and how is it used?
Describe the Angular lifecycle hooks, and provide examples of when they are used.(**)
How do you implement client-side routing in an Angular application?
What is the Angular Router, and how do you configure routes?
Explain the purpose of route parameters in Angular routing.
How do you protect routes and handle authentication in Angular applications?
How can you lazy load modules and routes in Angular?(**)
What is route resolvers, and how do you use them?
How can you handle query parameters in Angular routing?
Explain the concept of reactive forms, and how are they created?
What is the purpose of the [(ngModel)] directive in template-driven forms?
How can you perform form validation in Angular, and what are the validation directives?
How do you handle form submissions in Angular, and what is the ngSubmit directive?

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