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Alerts and pop-ups

Here's a sample TestCafe test script that demonstrates working with alerts and pop-ups:

import { Selector } from 'testcafe'; fixture('Alert and Pop-up Test') .page(''); test('Handle Alert and Pop-up', async t => { // Selector for the element that triggers the alert const alertButton = Selector('#alert-button'); // Click the button to trigger the alert await t .click(alertButton); // Handle the alert await t .expect(Selector('div').withText('Alert message').exists).ok() .click('#confirm-ok'); // Assuming there's an OK button to dismiss the alert // Selector for the element that triggers the pop-up const popupButton = Selector('#popup-button'); // Click the button to trigger the pop-up await t .click(popupButton); // Switch to the pop-up window const popupWindow = await t .getWindow((await t.getWindows()).length - 1); // Perform actions in the pop-up window await t .switchToWindow(popupWindow) // Perform actions in the pop-up window, for example: .typeText('#username', 'testuser') .typeText('#password', 'password') .click('#login-button') // Switch back to the main window .switchToMainWindow(); });

In this test:

  • We import the Selector function from TestCafe to select elements on the web page.
  • We define a fixture named 'Alert and Pop-up Test' and set the page to ''.
  • Inside the test function:
    • We define a selector for the button that triggers the alert (alertButton) and another selector for the button that triggers the pop-up (popupButton).
    • We click the alertButton to trigger the alert.
    • We handle the alert by expecting its existence and clicking on the OK button to dismiss it.
    • We click the popupButton to trigger the pop-up.
    • We switch to the pop-up window and perform actions inside it (e.g., entering username and password and clicking login).
    • Finally, we switch back to the main window.

Make sure to replace '' with the URL of the website you want to test, and adjust the selectors accordingly based on the structure of the webpage you are testing. Additionally, replace '#confirm-ok', '#username', '#password', and '#login-button' with appropriate selectors for the elements in your webpage.

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