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Quiz - Node.js - 3


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What is the main difference between a Node.js callback function and a traditional function?
Callback functions can only be used with Node.js, while traditional functions can be used with any programming language
Callback functions are written in C++, while traditional functions are written in JavaScript
Callback functions are executed asynchronously, while traditional functions are executed synchronously
Callback functions can only be used for event handling, while traditional functions can be used for any purpose
Callback functions are executed asynchronously, while traditional functions are executed synchronously

What is the purpose of the Node.js Buffer class?
To store binary data in memory
To manage and schedule events in a Node.js application
To manage dependencies for a Node.js application
To compile and install a Node.js application
To store binary data in memory

What is the main difference between a Node.js module and a traditional library or package?
Modules are written in JavaScript, while traditional libraries and packages can be written in any programming language
Modules are managed by the Node Package Manager (NPM), while traditional libraries and packages may have different methods of management
Modules can only be used with Node.js applications, while traditional libraries and packages can be used with any programming language
Modules are more flexible and offer a wider range of features than traditional libraries and packages
Modules are managed by the Node Package Manager (NPM), while traditional libraries and packages may have different methods of management

What is the purpose of the Node.js crypto module?
To provide cryptographic functionality for Node.js applications
To manage and schedule events in a Node.js application
To manage dependencies for a Node.js application
To compile and install a Node.js application
To provide cryptographic functionality for Node.js applications

What is the main difference between a Node.js event loop and a traditional program loop?
The event loop can only be used with Node.js, while traditional loops can be used with any programming language
The event loop is written in C++, while traditional loops are written in JavaScript
The event loop is asynchronous, while traditional loops are synchronous
The event loop can only be used for event handling, while traditional loops can be used for any purpose
The event loop is asynchronous, while traditional loops are synchronous

What is the main advantage of using Node.js for microservices architecture?
It is easier to learn than other technologies used for microservices
It is faster and more efficient than other technologies used for microservices
It allows for real-time communication between microservices
All of the above
All of the above

What is the purpose of the Node.js net module?
To create network-based applications in Node.js
To manage and schedule events in a Node.js application
To manage dependencies for a Node.js application
To compile and install a Node.js application
To create network-based applications in Node.js

What is the main difference between a Node.js process and a traditional program process?
Processes in Node.js are executed asynchronously, while traditional processes are executed synchronously
Processes in Node.js can only be used with Node.js, while traditional processes can be used with any programming language
Processes in Node.js are written in C++, while traditional processes are written in the language in which the program was written
Processes in Node.js are managed by the Node.js runtime, while traditional processes may be managed by the operating system or other external libraries
Processes in Node.js are managed by the Node.js runtime, while traditional processes may be managed by the operating system or other external libraries

What is the purpose of the Node.js fs module?
To perform file system operations in Node.js, such as reading and writing files
To manage and schedule events in a Node.js application
To manage dependencies for a Node.js application
To compile and install a Node.js application
To perform file system operations in Node.js, such as reading and writing files

What is the main benefit of using Node.js for server-side web development?
It is easier to learn than other server-side technologies
It is faster and more efficient than other server-side technologies
It provides a more comprehensive set of features than other server-side technologies
All of the above
All of the above

{"qz1-752024":"Callback functions are executed asynchronously, while traditional functions are executed synchronously","qz1-752025":"To store binary data in memory","qz1-752026":"Modules are managed by the Node Package Manager (NPM), while traditional libraries and packages may have different methods of management","qz1-752027":"To provide cryptographic functionality for Node.js applications","qz1-752028":"The event loop is asynchronous, while traditional loops are synchronous","qz1-752029":"All of the above","qz1-752030":"To create network-based applications in Node.js","qz1-752031":"Processes in Node.js are managed by the Node.js runtime, while traditional processes may be managed by the operating system or other external libraries","qz1-752032":"To perform file system operations in Node.js, such as reading and writing files","qz1-752033":"All of the above"}

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