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Architecture and components of Pivotal Cloud Foundry

The architecture of Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) consists of several components that work together to provide a platform for building and deploying cloud applications. The main components of PCF are:

  1. Cloud Controller: The central component of PCF that manages the lifecycle of applications and services, including deployment, scaling, and management.

  2. Diego: A container management system responsible for scheduling, deploying, and managing application instances.

  3. Health Manager: Monitors the health of the platform and application components, and takes corrective action when necessary.

  4. Loggregator: Collects and aggregates logs and metrics from the platform and applications.

  5. Router: The component responsible for routing incoming traffic to the appropriate application instance.

  6. Service Broker API: An API that enables third-party services to be integrated with PCF, allowing developers to use these services in their applications.

  7. BOSH: A tool for managing large-scale, highly available infrastructure that forms the foundation of PCF.

These components work together to provide a highly available and scalable platform for building and deploying cloud applications. Additionally, PCF offers a range of tools and services to support the development and deployment of applications, including a command line interface, an API, a web-based console, and a marketplace of pre-packaged services and tools.

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