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Quiz - Helm Charts - 2


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the command used to search for available Helm charts in a repository?
helm search
helm list
helm repository
kubectl repository
helm search

How do you install a specific version of a Helm chart on a Kubernetes cluster?
Use the helm install command and specify the version number
Use the helm upgrade command and specify the version number
Use the helm package command and specify the version number
Use the kubectl install command and specify the version number
Use the helm install command and specify the version number

What is the command used to list the installed Helm charts on a Kubernetes cluster?
helm list
helm charts
helm repository
kubectl list
helm list

What is the command used to upgrade all the installed Helm charts on a Kubernetes cluster?
helm upgrade all
helm upgrade *
helm upgrade without any arguments
kubectl upgrade without any arguments
helm upgrade without any arguments

What is the command used to rollback a Helm chart on a Kubernetes cluster to a previous version?
helm rollback
helm downgrade
helm upgrade with the previous version number
kubectl rollback
helm rollback

What is the command used to get the details of an installed Helm chart on a Kubernetes cluster?
helm status
helm show
helm get
kubectl get
helm show

How do you specify values for the templates in a Helm chart during installation?
Use the --set option with the helm install command
Use the --set-file option with the helm install command
Use the --values option with the helm install command
Use the --values-file option with the helm install command
Use the --values-file option with the helm install command

What is the default location for the Helm charts in a Kubernetes cluster?

What is the purpose of the Values.yaml file in a Helm chart?
To store the default values for the templates in your chart
To store the dependencies of your chart
To store the configuration of your chart
To store the source code of your chart
To store the default values for the templates in your chart

What is the command used to test a Helm chart without installing it on a Kubernetes cluster?
helm test
helm preview
helm dry-run
kubectl test
helm test

{"qz1-399315":"helm search","qz1-399316":"Use the helm install command and specify the version number","qz1-399317":"helm list","qz1-399318":"helm upgrade without any arguments","qz1-399319":"helm rollback","qz1-399320":"helm show","qz1-399321":"Use the --values-file option with the helm install command","qz1-399322":"/var/lib/helm","qz1-399323":"To store the default values for the templates in your chart","qz1-399324":"helm test"}

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