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Quiz - Helm Charts - 4


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the recommended way of storing sensitive data in a Helm chart?
In plain text in the chart's Values.yaml file
Encrypted in the chart's Values.yaml file
As environment variables in the chart's templates
As a Kubernetes secret in the cluster
As a Kubernetes secret in the cluster

What is the purpose of the Chart.yaml file in a Helm chart?
To store the chart's templates
To store the chart's dependencies
To store the chart's metadata
To store the chart's configuration parameters
To store the chart's metadata

What is the recommended way to deploy a Helm chart to multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production?
Use a different chart for each environment
Use a different release for each environment
Use a different namespace for each environment
Use a different cluster for each environment
Use a different release for each environment

How can you pass values to a deployed Helm chart from the command line?
By using the --set option with the helm install command
By using the --set-file option with the helm install command
By using the --values option with the helm install command
By using environment variables
By using the --set option with the helm install command

How can you modify the default values of a deployed Helm chart?
By using the helm upgrade command with the --set option
By using the kubectl edit command on the chart's release
By modifying the chart's Values.yaml file and then reinstalling the chart
By modifying the chart's Chart.yaml file and then reinstalling the chart
By using the helm upgrade command with the --set option

How can you access the logs of a deployed Helm chart's pods?
By using the helm logs command
By using the kubectl logs command on the chart's pods
By accessing the logs from the cluster's dashboard
By accessing the logs from the chart's repository
By using the kubectl logs command on the chart's pods

How can you rollback a deployed Helm chart to a previous version?
By using the helm rollback command
By using the kubectl rollback command on the chart's release
By reinstalling the chart to the previous version
By using the helm upgrade command with the --recreate-pods option
By using the helm rollback command

What is the default storage backend used by Helm to store its releases?

What is the purpose of the templates directory in a Helm chart?
To store the chart's configuration parameters
To store the chart's metadata
To store the chart's Kubernetes manifests
To store the chart's dependencies
To store the chart's Kubernetes manifests

How can you create a custom repository for your Helm charts?
By using a private repository service like Nexus or Artifactory
By hosting the charts on a web server
Both of above
None of these
Both of above

{"qz1-455385":"As a Kubernetes secret in the cluster","qz1-455386":"To store the chart's metadata","qz1-455387":"Use a different release for each environment","qz1-455388":"By using the --set option with the helm install command","qz1-455389":"By using the helm upgrade command with the --set option","qz1-455390":"By using the kubectl logs command on the chart's pods","qz1-455391":"By using the helm rollback command","qz1-455392":"Tiller","qz1-455393":"To store the chart's Kubernetes manifests","qz1-455394":"Both of above"}

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