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Debugging Helm Charts

Debugging Helm charts can be challenging, especially when encountering issues with chart templates or resource configurations. Here are some of the common approaches and tools that can be used to debug Helm charts:

  • Debugging chart templates: When encountering issues with chart templates, you can use the helm template command to inspect the generated Kubernetes resource files before they are deployed. This command takes a chart and a set of values, and generates the resource files as they would be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster. You can then inspect the generated files to identify any issues with the chart templates.

For example, to inspect the generated resource files for a chart named mychart, you can run the following command:

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$ helm template mychart --values myvalues.yaml
  • Debugging chart releases: When encountering issues with a chart release that has already been deployed to a Kubernetes cluster, you can use the kubectl command-line tool to inspect the status and logs of the resources in the release.

For example, to view the status of a release named myrelease, you can run the following command:

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$ kubectl get all -l release=myrelease

To view the logs of a resource in the release, you can run the following command:

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$ kubectl logs <pod_name>
  • Debugging chart values: When encountering issues with chart values, you can use the --debug flag with the helm install or helm upgrade commands to enable debugging output. This provides additional information about the process of installing or upgrading the chart, including any error messages or warnings.

For example, to enable debugging output when installing a chart named mychart, you can run the following command:

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$ helm install mychart --debug --values myvalues.yaml
  • Debugging chart hooks: When encountering issues with chart hooks, you can use the --dry-run flag with the helm install or helm upgrade commands to preview the execution of the hooks without actually executing them. This can help you to identify any issues with the hook scripts or configurations.

For example, to preview the execution of hooks when installing a chart named mychart, you can run the following command:

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$ helm install mychart --dry-run --values myvalues.yaml

In summary, debugging Helm charts requires a combination of using the helm and kubectl command-line tools, as well as understanding the configuration and behavior of chart templates, values, and hooks. By using these tools and techniques, you can identify and resolve issues with your chart deployments.

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