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HTML provides several tags that can be used to format the content of a web page. Here are some of the most commonly used HTML formatting tags and a brief explanation of what they do:

  • <b> is to display bold text
  • <i> is for italic text
  • <u> is to underline a text
  • <strike> is to display text with strikethrough
  • <sup> is to show superscript text
  • <sub> is to show subscript text
  • <del> is to show the text as deleted
  • <small> is to show text in smaller font size
<!DOCTYPE html>


    <b>Bold Text</b><br>
    <i>Italic Text</i><br>
    <u>Underlined Text</u><br>
    <strike>Striked Out Text</strike><br>
    Text Sample with <sup>Superscript</sup><br>
    Text Sample with <sub>Subscript</sub><br>
    <del>Deleted Text</del><br>
    <small>Small Text</small>

Bold Text
Italic Text
Underlined Text
Striked Out Text
Text Sample with Superscript
Text Sample with Subscript
Deleted Text
Small Text

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