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Stored Procedures and Functions

Stored procedures and functions in PL/SQL are reusable blocks of code that encapsulate business logic. They allow developers to perform specific tasks, enhance code reusability, and improve application performance by executing logic directly on the database server.

1. What are Procedures and Functions?

  • Stored Procedure:

    • A named PL/SQL block that performs a specific task.
    • Does not necessarily return a value.
    • Often used to execute a series of SQL statements or operations.
  • Function:

    • A named PL/SQL block that always returns a value.
    • Primarily used for computations and returning a single result.

2. Differences Between Procedures and Functions

FeatureStored ProcedureFunction
PurposePerforms a task or a series of operations.Returns a single value or result.
Return ValueOptional (can use OUT parameters).Mandatory (uses the RETURN statement).
InvocationCan be called independently.Typically used within SQL statements or PL/SQL.
Usage in SQLCannot be called directly in SQL statements.Can be used in SQL queries (if deterministic).

3. Creating and Executing Procedures


CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE procedure_name ( parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] datatype, ... ) IS -- Declaration section BEGIN -- Execution section ... EXCEPTION -- Exception handling section ... END; /

Example: Creating a Procedure to Insert Employee Data

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_employee ( p_emp_id IN NUMBER, p_first_name IN VARCHAR2, p_last_name IN VARCHAR2, p_salary IN NUMBER ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary) VALUES (p_emp_id, p_first_name, p_last_name, p_salary); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee inserted successfully.'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error occurred: ' || SQLERRM); END; /

Executing the Procedure:

BEGIN insert_employee(101, 'John', 'Doe', 50000); END; /

4. Creating and Executing Functions


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION function_name ( parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] datatype, ... ) RETURN return_datatype IS -- Declaration section BEGIN -- Execution section ... RETURN value; -- Return statement EXCEPTION -- Exception handling section ... END; /

Example: Creating a Function to Calculate Bonus

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION calculate_bonus ( p_salary IN NUMBER ) RETURN NUMBER IS v_bonus NUMBER; BEGIN v_bonus := p_salary * 0.1; -- 10% bonus RETURN v_bonus; END; /

Executing the Function:

DECLARE v_bonus NUMBER; BEGIN v_bonus := calculate_bonus(50000); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Calculated Bonus: ' || v_bonus); END; /

Using a Function in a SQL Query:

SELECT employee_id, first_name, calculate_bonus(salary) AS bonus FROM employees;

5. Parameter Modes: IN, OUT, IN OUT

Parameter ModeDescription
INDefault mode. The parameter is passed into the procedure or function.
OUTUsed to return a value to the calling program.
IN OUTAllows a parameter to be passed into and out of the procedure or function.


  1. IN Parameter:

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE greet_user (p_name IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hello, ' || p_name || '!'); END; /


    BEGIN greet_user('Alice'); END; /

  1. OUT Parameter:

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_employee_salary ( p_emp_id IN NUMBER, p_salary OUT NUMBER ) IS BEGIN SELECT salary INTO p_salary FROM employees WHERE employee_id = p_emp_id; END; /


    DECLARE v_salary NUMBER; BEGIN get_employee_salary(101, v_salary); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee Salary: ' || v_salary); END; /

  1. IN OUT Parameter:

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_salary ( p_emp_id IN NUMBER, p_salary IN OUT NUMBER ) IS BEGIN p_salary := p_salary * 1.1; -- Increase salary by 10% UPDATE employees SET salary = p_salary WHERE employee_id = p_emp_id; END; /


    DECLARE v_salary NUMBER := 50000; BEGIN update_salary(101, v_salary); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Updated Salary: ' || v_salary); END; /

6. Example: Procedure for Inserting Employee Data

Procedure Code:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_employee_data ( p_emp_id IN NUMBER, p_first_name IN VARCHAR2, p_last_name IN VARCHAR2, p_salary IN NUMBER, p_department_id IN NUMBER ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary, department_id) VALUES (p_emp_id, p_first_name, p_last_name, p_salary, p_department_id); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee inserted successfully: ' || p_first_name || ' ' || p_last_name); EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error: Duplicate Employee ID.'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error occurred: ' || SQLERRM); END; /


BEGIN insert_employee_data(102, 'Jane', 'Smith', 60000, 10); END; /


TopicKey Points
ProceduresPerform tasks but do not necessarily return values.
FunctionsAlways return a value, suitable for calculations and SQL queries.
Parameter ModesIN (input), OUT (output), IN OUT (both input and output).
Example ApplicationProcedure for inserting employee data demonstrates practical use of IN parameters and error handling.

Mastering procedures and functions helps in creating modular, efficient, and reusable code for complex database operations.

Next: Packages

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