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Quiz - Git - 1


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is Git?
A database management system
A text editor
A version control system
A project management tool
A version control system

What is the purpose of Git?
To compile code
To debug code
To share code
To store and manage code
To store and manage code

What is a repository in Git?
A database of code
A branch in Git
A file in Git
A collection of files and their changes
A collection of files and their changes

What is the main difference between Git and other version control systems?
Git is open source
Git is faster
Git is easier to use
Git is decentralized
Git is decentralized

What is the command to clone a repository in Git?
git clone
git checkout
git pull
git merge
git clone

What is the command to commit changes in Git?
git save
git commit
git push
git add
git commit

What is the purpose of branching in Git?
To isolate changes in the code
To keep a record of different versions of code
To delete code
To merge code
To isolate changes in the code

What is the command to merge a branch in Git?
git merge
git checkout
git clone
git pull
git merge

What is the command to switch between branches in Git?
git merge
git checkout
git clone
git pull
git checkout

What is the command to view the history of commits in Git?
git log
git history
git show
git display
git log

{"qz1-519236":"A version control system","qz1-519237":"To store and manage code","qz1-519238":"A collection of files and their changes","qz1-519239":"Git is decentralized","qz1-519240":"git clone","qz1-519241":"git commit","qz1-519242":"To isolate changes in the code","qz1-519243":"git merge","qz1-519244":"git checkout","qz1-519245":"git log"}

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