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Resolving conflicts in Git

A conflict in Git occurs when two or more branches have made changes to the same part of a file and those changes cannot be automatically merged by Git. When this happens, Git requires you to resolve the conflict manually.

Here's an example of how to resolve a conflict in Git:

  1. Start a merge or rebase:

Conflicts can occur when merging or rebasing branches. For example, you may be trying to merge a branch into your current branch or rebase your current branch onto another branch.

  1. Identify the conflict:

When a conflict occurs, Git will mark the conflicting parts of the file with conflict markers. For example, the conflicting parts of a file may look like this:

<<<<<<< HEAD
Your branch's version of the file
The version of the file from the branch you're trying to merge or rebase
>>>>>>> Other branch

In this example, the part of the file between <<<<<<< HEAD and ======= is the version of the file from your branch, and the part of the file between ======= and >>>>>>> Other branch is the version of the file from the branch you're trying to merge or rebase.

  1. Resolve the conflict:

To resolve the conflict, you need to edit the file and remove the conflict markers, deciding which version of the conflicting parts of the file you want to keep. You can also edit the file to merge the conflicting changes in a way that makes sense for your project.

For example, you may choose to keep your branch's version of the file, or you may choose to keep the version of the file from the branch you're trying to merge or rebase. You may also choose to merge the conflicting changes in a way that combines the changes from both branches.

  1. Add and commit the resolved file:

After resolving the conflict, you need to stage and commit the file to complete the merge or rebase.

For example, you can add and commit the resolved file like this:

$ git add <file>
$ git commit

In this example, <file> is the name of the file that you resolved the conflict in.

  1. Continue the merge or rebase:

After committing the resolved file, you can continue the merge or rebase, which should now complete successfully without any more conflicts.

These are the basics of resolving conflicts in Git. By understanding how to resolve conflicts, you can effectively collaborate with others on a Git project, merge or rebase branches, and keep your project's codebase up-to-date.

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