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Staging and committing changes

Staging and committing changes are important concepts in Git, as they allow you to track the changes you make to your files and organize them into logical units.

Staging changes involves adding the changes you want to commit to a temporary area called the "staging area". This allows you to review the changes and make sure that you want to commit them before they become a permanent part of the repository.

Here is an example of how to stage and commit changes in Git:

  1. Make changes to a file:
$ echo "This is a new line" >> sample.txt

In this example, we are adding a new line of text to the sample.txt file.

  1. Stage the changes:
$ git add sample.txt

This will add the changes in the sample.txt file to the staging area.

  1. Commit the changes:
$ git commit -m "Add a new line to sample file"

This will commit the changes in the staging area to the repository, with the message "Add a new line to sample file".

With this process, you can make changes to your files, stage the changes you want to commit, and then commit those changes to the repository. This allows you to track and organize the changes you make over time.

Note that you can stage and commit changes to multiple files at once by adding all the relevant files to the staging area before committing. For example:

$ git add file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
$ git commit -m "Add changes to multiple files"
In this example, changes to file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt are added to the staging area and committed with the message "Add changes to multiple files".

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