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Quiz - MongoDB - 4


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the syntax for using the $nin operator in MongoDB?
db.collection.find({ field: { $in: [value1, value2] } })
db.collection.find({ field: { $all: [value1, value2] } })
db.collection.find({ field: { $nin: [value1, value2] } })
db.collection.find({ field: { $nin: [value1, value2] } })

What is sharding in MongoDB?
A way to store data in MongoDB
A way to partition data across multiple servers in MongoDB
A way to index data in MongoDB
A way to partition data across multiple servers in MongoDB

What is the syntax for enabling sharding in MongoDB?

What is a shard key in MongoDB?
A key that is used to encrypt data in MongoDB
A key that is used to partition data across multiple servers in MongoDB
A key that is used to index data in MongoDB
A key that is used to partition data across multiple servers in MongoDB

What is the syntax for creating a sharded collection in MongoDB?
db.createCollection(collection_name, { shardKey: { field_name: 1 } })
sh.createCollection(collection_name, { shardKey: { field_name: 1 } })
mongod.createCollection(collection_name, { shardKey: { field_name: 1 } })
db.createCollection(collection_name, { shardKey: { field_name: 1 } })

What is a chunk in MongoDB?
A unit of data that is stored in a sharded collection in MongoDB
A unit of data that is indexed in MongoDB
A unit of data that is partitioned across multiple servers in MongoDB
A unit of data that is partitioned across multiple servers in MongoDB

What is the syntax for manually splitting a chunk in MongoDB?
sh.splitAt("database.collection", { field_name: value })
db.splitAt("database.collection", { field_name: value })
mongod.splitAt("database.collection", { field_name: value })
sh.splitAt("database.collection", { field_name: value })

What is the syntax for moving a chunk to a different shard in MongoDB?
sh.moveChunk("database.collection", { field_name: value }, "shard_name")
db.moveChunk("database.collection", { field_name: value }, "shard_name")
mongod.moveChunk("database.collection", { field_name: value }, "shard_name")
sh.moveChunk("database.collection", { field_name: value }, "shard_name")

What is a distributed lock in MongoDB?
A lock that is used to encrypt data in MongoDB
A lock that is used to index data in MongoDB
A lock that is used to prevent multiple processes from accessing the same data in MongoDB
A lock that is used to prevent multiple processes from accessing the same data in MongoDB

What is the syntax for acquiring a distributed lock in MongoDB?
db.locks.acquire({ name: "lock_name", timeout: 10000 })
sh.locks.acquire({ name: "lock_name", timeout: 10000 })
mongod.locks.acquire({ name: "lock_name", timeout: 10000 })
db.locks.acquire({ name: "lock_name", timeout: 10000 })

{"qz1-263020":"db.collection.find({ field: { $nin: [value1, value2] } })","qz1-263021":"A way to partition data across multiple servers in MongoDB","qz1-263022":"sh.enableSharding(database_name)","qz1-263023":"A key that is used to partition data across multiple servers in MongoDB","qz1-263024":"db.createCollection(collection_name, { shardKey: { field_name: 1 } })","qz1-263025":"A unit of data that is partitioned across multiple servers in MongoDB","qz1-263026":"sh.splitAt(\"database.collection\", { field_name: value })","qz1-263027":"sh.moveChunk(\"database.collection\", { field_name: value }, \"shard_name\")","qz1-263028":"A lock that is used to prevent multiple processes from accessing the same data in MongoDB","qz1-263029":"db.locks.acquire({ name: \"lock_name\", timeout: 10000 })"}

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