Model-View-Controller design pattern
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern is a design pattern used in software engineering to separate the application logic into three components: Model, View, and Controller.
In Spring MVC, these components are as follows:
Model: It represents the application data and the business logic. It can be a JavaBean, a Map, or a database entity. The model contains the data that the view will display to the user.
View: It is responsible for rendering the model data into a format that can be displayed to the user. In Spring MVC, views are typically implemented using JSPs, HTML, or other template engines.
Controller: It is responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests, processing the user input, and returning a response to the client. The controller serves as an intermediary between the model and the view.
Suppose you have a web application that allows users to view and manage their personal details. In this scenario, the personal details of the user can be considered the model. The view can be a JSP page that displays the personal details to the user in a HTML form. The controller can be a Spring MVC @Controller
that handles incoming HTTP requests, retrieves the personal details from the model, and passes it to the view to be displayed.
When the user submits changes to their personal details, the controller can handle the form submission, update the model with the new data, and redirect the user back to the personal details view.
In this way, the MVC design pattern separates the application logic into three components, making the code easier to maintain and test.
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