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Annotation-based configuration

Annotation-based configuration in Spring MVC refers to the use of annotations to configure the components of a Spring MVC application, such as controllers, request mappings, and bean definitions.

Annotation-based configuration provides a convenient and concise way to configure Spring MVC components compared to XML-based configuration.

Some common annotations used in annotation-based configuration in Spring MVC are:

  1. @Controller: Used to define a class as a controller.


public class MyController {
  1. @RequestMapping: Used to define a mapping between a URL and a method in a controller.


public class MyController {

  public String handleRequest(Model model) {


In the example above, the handleRequest method is mapped to the URL /handleRequest.

  1. @Autowired: Used to automatically inject a bean into a property of another bean.


public class MyController { @Autowired private MyService myService; ... }

In the example above, the MyService bean is automatically injected into the myService property of the MyController bean.

These are some of the most commonly used annotations in annotation-based configuration in Spring MVC. By using annotations, you can easily configure your Spring MVC components, making your code more concise and maintainable.

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