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Quiz - Spring MVC - 4


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the purpose of the @ControllerAdvice annotation in Spring MVC?
To define a global exception handler for the entire application
To define a global interceptor for the entire application
To define a global filter for the entire application
To define a global model attribute for the entire application
To define a global exception handler for the entire application

What is the purpose of the @ExceptionHandler annotation in Spring MVC?
To define a global exception handler for the entire application
To define an exception handler method for a specific controller
To define an exception handler method for a specific exception
To define an exception handler method for a specific package
To define an exception handler method for a specific controller

What is the purpose of the @PathVariable annotation in Spring MVC?
To bind the URI template variables to the method arguments
To bind the query parameters to the method arguments
To bind the form data to the method arguments
To bind the header parameters to the method arguments
To bind the URI template variables to the method arguments

What is the purpose of the @RequestParam annotation in Spring MVC?
To bind the URI template variables to the method arguments
To bind the query parameters to the method arguments
To bind the form data to the method arguments
To bind the header parameters to the method arguments
To bind the query parameters to the method arguments

What is the purpose of the @ModelAttribute annotation in Spring MVC?
To bind the URI template variables to the method arguments
To bind the query parameters to the method arguments
To bind the form data to the method arguments
To bind the model data to the method arguments
To bind the model data to the method arguments

What is the purpose of the @RequestMapping annotation in Spring MVC?
To map a request to a view
To map a request to a template
To map a request to a controller method
To map a request to a resource
To map a request to a controller method

What is the purpose of the @Valid annotation in Spring MVC?
To validate the query parameters
To validate the URI template variables
To validate the header parameters
To validate the form data
To validate the form data

What is the purpose of the @InitBinder annotation in Spring MVC?
To register a custom interceptor
To register a custom property editor
To register a custom filter
To register a custom exception handler
To register a custom property editor

What is the purpose of the @SessionAttributes annotation in Spring MVC?
To store the view data in the session
To store the request data in the session
To store the model data in the session
To store the response data in the session
To store the model data in the session

What is the purpose of the ModelAndView object in Spring MVC?
To store the model data and the view name or view instance
To store the request data and the response data
To store the controller data and the view data
To store the form data and the query parameters
To store the model data and the view name or view instance

{"qz1-250693":"To define a global exception handler for the entire application","qz1-250694":"To define an exception handler method for a specific controller","qz1-250695":"To bind the URI template variables to the method arguments","qz1-250696":"To bind the query parameters to the method arguments","qz1-250697":"To bind the model data to the method arguments","qz1-250698":"To map a request to a controller method","qz1-250699":"To validate the form data","qz1-250700":"To register a custom property editor","qz1-250701":"To store the model data in the session","qz1-250702":"To store the model data and the view name or view instance"}

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