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Ant Custom Tasks

Ant custom tasks allow you to define your own tasks that can be used in an Ant build file. Custom tasks are defined using Java classes that extend the Ant Task class and implement the execute() method. Here are some examples of how to create and use Ant custom tasks:

  • Creating a simple custom task:
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public class MyTask extends Task { private String message; public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public void execute() { System.out.println(message); } }

This custom task simply outputs a message to the console. The "setMessage" method is used to set the message value.

  • Defining the custom task in the build file:
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<taskdef name="mytask" classname="com.example.MyTask"/>

This defines the "mytask" task and specifies the class that implements it.

  • Using the custom task in the build file:
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<mytask message="Hello, world!"/>

This uses the "mytask" task and sets the "message" property to "Hello, world!". When the task is executed, it outputs the message to the console.

  • Creating a custom task that depends on other tasks:
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public class MyComplexTask extends Task { private String message; public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public void execute() { // Perform some complex logic here, using other tasks if necessary getProject().setProperty("result", "Success"); } }

This custom task performs some complex logic and sets a property called "result" to "Success".

  • Using the custom task in the build file:
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<mycomplextask message="Hello, world!"/> <echo message="The result was ${result}"/>

This uses the "mycomplextask" task and sets the "message" property to "Hello, world!". After the task is executed, the "echo" task outputs the value of the "result" property, which was set by the custom task.

These are just a few examples of how to create and use Ant custom tasks. Custom tasks are a powerful feature of Ant that can help you create reusable and extensible build scripts.

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